Chapter 3

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As we headed to Thunderclan camp, Snow was anxious. "They were quite mad before" she thought. "What will happen to me?" I noticed the patrols leader, Tigertooths tail lashing. "Will they eat me like Thomas said?" Plenty of prey were scurrying around, and as Snow entered the hostile camp, curious, yet surprised cats were staring at her. She felt nervous.

A bold young she cat with golden fur and rippling muscles leapt off of a high rock and trotted towards me. I was scared out of my fur. "Tigertooth, is this the she cat that has been stealing prey?" "Yes Sunstar, she was caught hiding in a bush." He responded, and with a flick of Sunstars tail, he was dismissed. "Come." She meowed as I followed her into a rocky den. We settled down in the two nests provided. I never knew that they could be almost as warm as a soft couch.

"What have you been doing hunting on our territory?!" She hissed. I was clearly shaken and my voice was not very clear. "I-I was just hunting something to eat! Please don't kill me!" The she cat started to laugh. "Eat you? Your so skinny I could consider you a stick!" Snow was not amused by this. It was quite insulting in fact. The she cat stopped laughing and got back to business, though she couldn't hold back a giggle every once in a while from her rude comment. "Snow, for hunting on our territory, we will be keeping you for three moons. If you show any signs of loyalty, we will consider taking you in.

Snow was taken back by this. First they want to kill her then now, they want to keep her? What's going on here! As Snow was dismissed, Petalfur, the silver she that she met earlier escorted her to a tree with the roots twirling around to make shelter. "You will be staying here for now." She hissed. Flamepaw will be caring for you as his punishment."

A scrawny young orange tom nervously stumbled up to Snow, clearly afraid of her. He had a torn left ear with many battle scars, but looked to be around a year old. "Hey." Flamepaw meowed, trying to look confident. Snow gave a purr of amusement. She knew that she was prisoner, but thease cats did not look tough at all, in fact, starved. "Hello Flamepaw. Is the PREY running well for you and you clan?" Snow gave with intimidation. Flamepaw flicked his ear, clearly annoyed. Don't doubt Thunderclan or ill shred you, you grumpy she cat! We are strong and to be feared in this forest!"

Snow couldn't hold back a putt of amusement. "Look who's talking!" She hissed. The young apprentice was scared and hid under a bush, trying to get away from Snow. Snow clearly noticed where he was. "You can run, but you can't hide!" She hissed, sending the young Tom flying away. There was something unusual about him she couldn't quite see, but she could see that this would be a long three moons.

As a day passed, she noticed that Flamepaw was back guarding her, still shaken by last night. Snow felt bad for unleashing a grumpy storm among the young apprentice. "S-sorry about last night. I went to far." She apologized. Flamepaw did take notice, but did not respond. Snow only curled up in her best, dazed by the bright sunlight. A vile was passed through the roots of the tree from Flamepaw. "It's fine." He said as he turned back to duty. Snow was hungry and her mouth watered at the sight of the vole. It was scrawny, but would do just fine. She took small, but swift bites of the juicy meat, savoring each and every last bite she got as if she would never eat again.

A grey Tom with spiked fur walked up to Flamepaw. "Your times up." He meowed. "You did well with this flea-ridden stranger, it's my turn now." Snow did not want him to replace Firepaw. She had to accept the fact that she would not always get what she wanted. "I'm Thistleclaw" hissed the muscular Tom. " Now be quiet and don't complain or I will shred you!" Snow could see faintly out of the tree roots. There were three kits playing with a silver queen and cats sharing prey and tongues around the prey pile. The sun shone brightly and some elders basked in the rocks on a ledge.

Snow heard a loud yowl and was alarmed by the sudden change. Every cat was trotting towards the big rock in the center with Sunstar on top. She was amazed how quickly they responded. "All cats old enough to catch your own prey, join Beneath the high rock for a clan meeting!"

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