Chapter 23

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"Snakeclan, ATTACK!" Yowled Ginger. Now that she was deputy, she felt like she had all the power in the world. Her messy fur shone like fire in the sunlight, and she barreled to her first opponent.

Chestnutfur and Snowflame started racing back to camp. "Did you hear that?!" Meowed Snowflame anxiously. "Snakeclans attacking!" Chestnutfur was on Snowflames heels the entire time. The only things he cared about at the moment we're Snowflame, the clan, and the kits. His paws already ached from racing Snowflame, but he was determined to defeat the enemy clan.

Especially Ginger

The two cats barreled into camp to discover that Snakeclan had invaded their camp. They were winning. Snowflame bunched up her haunches, and yowled as she leapt onto her first opponent. "Foxclan, ATTACK!"

She managed to grab hold on a black Tom with icy blue eyes. By the looks of it, he was an apprentice, however, he had his warrior name. "This isn't right." She thought as she sunk her claws into the weak apprentice-warriors shoulders. "he only seems like he's seven moons!" The Tom hissed in defiance and took a swipe at Snowflames cheek as she was about to pin him down. "Your Snowflame, aren't you?" Chuckled the black Tom. "I thought you would be dead already!" At these words, Snowflame yowled and slashed her claws across his belly. He gasped in pain.

After her opponent was defeated, he ran whimpering in defeat. Snowflame felt horrible about what she just did, but looked at the chaos around camp. She noticed two warriors protecting the nursery. She was relieved that it was so heavily protected. She then looked to the left.

"Chestnutfur!" She yowled as she ran to his aid. He was fighting a Tom and a she cat, both with strong, powerful muscles. Beside Chestnutfur was Sparrowwing who was injured badly. He was gasping for breath as he tried to fight the pain from a deep slash across his belly and his leg. Sandstar rushed over to help the injured deputy and took his my Cloudeyes. Snowflame and Chestnutfur continues to fight their opponents.

Chestnutfur was full of cuts and bruises, but he continued on. He slashed at the she cats belly and she howled in pain, a blazing fire filling her eyes. The Tom hissed as he took his long claws, and dug them into my shoulders. Snowflame yowled as she flipped him over her head, and onto the ground. She could see that Chestnutfur managed to do the same with the other she cat. The she cat was clearly defeated, and she ran into the deep forest. The Tom took his thorn sharp claws, and his eyes blazed with fury. "Noo!" Snowflame yowled as he swept them across her throat.

I wasn't bleeding. I wasn't in pain. I opened my eyes to see that I was on the battlefield. The Tom ran retreating, but I didn't know why. "Why didn't he kill me?" I thought as he ran away. "Snakeclan, retreat!" Yowled Ginger, her eyes bloodthirsty and defeated. That's when Snowflame realized why the Tom spared her.

She looked to my left and saw a limp, dark brown Tom with black stripes. At first, Snowflame thought it was Chestnutfur and started to cry. That when she realized that his fur wasn't as fluffy. She looked at the neck wound and realized who it was.

"No!" She yowled in greif. "Sparrowwings dead!"

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