Chapter 8

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As Snowflame woke up, she noticed that it had nearly stopped raining. All that was left was a small drizzle here and there, but it did not bother her at all. She remembered her sweet dream well, she was with Thomas again, purring and cuddling with him near the fireplace. Those were the days.

Snowflame had plenty of prey to hold her through the day, a mouse, and two rabbits, a tasty meal indeed. She was thankful that she had shelter, and food, and she forgot about her depressed night.

Snowflame stretched her muscles, sore from the cold, but not too sore. She felt the morning dew underneath her paws, turning her white fur a bit brown from the dirt. She was happy and thankful, a feeling she had not felt in a long time. She felt like today was going to be a good day. "Feel that fresh morning air!" She purred to herself. "It's beautiful out!"

As Snowflame continued on her journey to, who knows where. She passed a lake, glittering and sparkling as the early morning sun rays hit the water. She saw twolegs on the other side, roasting what seemed like a small ball of cotton over a flame. "Twolegs are weird." She meowed to herself. "Why would they eat cotton?"

Snowflakes paws sunk into the muddy ground near the shore. She waded in the water to try and get the mud off, but whenever she walked back on land, her paws continued to sink in the mud. She looked like she was naturally brown. Suddenly, Snowflame heard a twig snap, but turned in the direction she heard it, seeing nothing. She shrugged it off. She continued on her journey. "I'm probobaly just imagining it." She thought, but seconds later, she heard a bush rustle.

"Who's there?!" She growled. Nothing appeared. "Show yourself!" She hissed claws unsheathed. A brown tabby Tom with dark brown stripes walked out of the bush. His eyed were like endless seas of green. "Who are you?" He asked, wrapping his tail I've his paws. He did not seem afraid of Snowflame, in fact, he was not threatened at all. "Who are you?" He asked again. Snowflame did not seem to like the Tom, probobaly because of her past, but replied. "Who are you?!" She asked. "Why are you following me?"

The Tom simply purred. "Following you?" He meowed. "I wasn't really following you, or at least not for long. You look intresting, your not from around here, are you?" Snowflame only replied with a soft murmur. "No..., are you?" The Tom laughed, his face showing friendliness and care. "Of course I am." He purred. "My name is Chestnutfur, and I am from Foxclan." Something about this Tom made Snowflame want to trust him, but she did not want to act to quickly, for she barely knew him!"

"I'm Snowflame..." She replied shyly. She never really had good memories with clan cats. "Do you want me to show you around? It's a long way from here, but I'm sure you would enjoy it." He purred. Snowflame nodded reluctantly, but something about this time made her want to trust him. He was like Thomas, or Tom for short, caring and compassionate. Snowflame then followed him into the bright forest. This would be a wonderful day.

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