II .

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After the incident Eveline High remained closed for a week to arrange a new head of the school .

In that week the entire group didn't meet once , not once !

Jacob and Sam were all busy being a normal couple and not solving or running after criminals , Amy had to take care of her girlfriend , David was also running around going back and forth the court house regarding his parents case even though he had no intentions of even getting involved and as for Ryan well the poor guy was stuck at home with no one to go out with

The board of directors of the school had decided on keeping everything underwraps from the kids and their parents I mean listening to the fact that the school their kid is going to had a murderer on the loose for months doesn't really send a nice message along .

But as usual there were rumours and murmurs all around Sam , Ryan and Amy were usually seen together hence they got the most looks on the first day back , not to mention the new addition to their group AKA Jacob also brought in rather very many curious looks but none of them said a word

Because unlike earlier Sam and Jacob were now an official couple hence Jacob can and most definitely will fuck you up is you say anything bad about Sam

"Tone down the mean look Jacob , we're already getting a lot of looks "Amy chuckled making Jacob roll his eyes

"As if I care " Jacob shrugged

"I do now tone it down or else you're not allowed to hang out with us " Sam added making Jacob groan

"But pumpkin " Jacob whined making Amy and Ryan laugh

"Hey guys !" David suddenly joined in all fresh and active

"Hey !"

"Hey David !"

Everyone said in almost unison

"What your first class ?" David asked

He felt weird at the sudden change in dynamics but he pushed his awkwardness aside and pushed through

Everyone looked at one another kinda confused as to why David Cho the captain of the track team one of the most popular guys in the school asking them about their schedule

Yes agreed after whatever happened they should be closed but that definitely didn't feel like the case because of the little to bare minimum interaction they all had

Plus the fact that Jacob and Amy outright blackmailed and threatened to break his legs

"Uh we've got maths you ?" Ryan asked smiling pushing everyone out of the awkward silence

"Oh me too wanna head to class together ? " David asked still feeling just as awkward as he did a minute ago

"Sure " Ryan said and the rest just smiled and nodded

"Let go !" Sam added making everyone chuckle and nod along


The entire group including David were now in the cafeteria this was weird for everyone if being honest

Well for one Amy Ryan and Sam they kind of got used to eating under the bleachers to avoid all the unwanted comments directed towards Sam

Then Jacob rarely ate in the cafeteria he prefers spending all his free time in the abandoned building but now he wanted to be anywhere Sam was

As for David well he's only been a part of this group for a little over a week and that too was by force initially .. even though now it was from free will

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