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"I didn't know you're that competitive !" Ryan laughed as he started to clear up the coffee table

David pouted helping Ryan out a little

"I'm not " David said making Ryan laugh more

"Oh please "

"Why didn't I know that you had a sister" David said trying to change the topic

"Uh.. that's because I don't like people to know" Ryan shrugged

"Why is that ?"

"I don't know I was asked not to tell people about it so is Steph so we don't " Ryan replied again shrugging making David more confused

"Huh ? That's stupid"

"Yeah well it's not stupid for my parents "

"Hey ! I didn't mean to offend you in just saying why wouldn't you be allowed to talk about your own sister to your friends ?" David said defending himself

"Alright .. so when a kid from a middle class family gets an addmission to Eveline High it's not because of good reason alright .. my parents just didn't want Stephanie to get bullied because of me " Ryan replied sighing a bit

Because he knows that David is rich he's got no clue what bad stigma follows behind someone coming into Eveline High who's not rich

"How did you get into Eveline high ?" David asked now truly curious

Ryan looking up into David's curious gaze confused if he should tell him the actual reason or just the one he usually goes with

He opened his mouth to talk but immideately closed it shut

"RAIII ! HELP ME WHAT IS THIS ?! " Stephanie shouted as she came down holding her notebook in hands along with a pencil

"What happened Steph " Ryan asked smiling

"I don't understand what I'm doing ! Why is 6 dash 2 equal to 3 ?" Stephanie said as she pooped down on her brother's lap

"Steph that's a division sign not a dash " Ryan said chuckling making David smile along

"But how do I get 3 ? Why do I get 3?" Stephanie asked

Ryan took a second to understand the question .. he's been doing division for a while now never thought about the why factor he just does it

"Alright well Steph when you're deviding you're basically sharing with people " David suddenly said making both Stephanie and Ryan listen carefully making David chuckle at Ryan's face

"So here " David said picking up 6 marbles from the center pieces of the coffee table

"Now tell me how will you share this or devide this between you and me ?" David asked

"Remember it has to be equal alright " he added and Stephanie nodded along

She took a second before deviding the pile into two with each getting three marbles

"Alright so how many do you have ?" David asked

"Three .. "

"That's it when you divide you are basically sharing in equal parts .. now let's try this again now devide this between the three of us " David said compiling all the marbles again

Again Steph took a second before deviding it into three with everyone getting two marbles

"Well done ! So when you write this down it'll be " David said asking for the notebook and the pencil

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