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"Daichi!" Sugawara hurried to get the groceries Daichi was carrying. "Uh oh. You smell sad."

"Um..." Daichi shifted Nozomi. "Let's put everything up first, alright?"

"Alright?" Suga sent him a quizzical look and put everything away.Nozomi was put into her bassinet, and Sugawara sat on his bed next to Daichi. "So... what happened?"

"You remember when you found Hinata scared before a game in high school?"


"What did it sound like?"

"What do you mean?"

"The whimpers that children and omegas let out are very similar. What did it sound like?"

Sugawara imitated the sound, and Daichi nearly broke down into a puddle of tears. "Daichi?!" Sugawara leaned down and held him. "Babe. Come on, talk to me."

"T-That's what I thought it was."


"Nozomi whimpered in the store, and she cried because of someone." Daichi held onto Suga, sniffling. "It hurt to hear it."

"Daichi..." Sugawara held him close as he cried. "She wasn't that scared. I can promise you that. It was probably the situation."

Daichi kissed Suga's cheek, calming down. "I never want to hear that again."

"You're not going to hear actual fear for a bit."

Daichi leaned and kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you too." Suga kissed him tenderly. "We gotta get to work soon."
"Mm..." Daichi huffed. He got up and picked up Nozomi, who was still awake. He carried her to the bathroom and turned on the shower.

"Ass! Do you want me to shower with you?"

"Today is Sunday, buttercup. You don't have work."

"Fuuuck. What do I do?"

"Go get a pedicure or something." Daichi grabbed the baby soap and a washcloth.


"Go do something."

"I hate my feet being touched."

"Sweetheart. You don't-" Daichi sighed. "Just go do something fun."

Sugawara hummed softly. "Okay! Nap first!"

Daichi laughed. He stepped into the water, and Nozomi sat up in his arms ever so slightly. "Whatcha doing there? You wanna feel the water?"

He cupped water into his hand and sprinkled it on her. "Wah!"

"Oh? Too hot?"

Nozomi squirmed and kicked until she was closer to the water. Daichi smiled as she felt of it and washed her off. The baby bath was on the tub floor by his feet, so she was placed there as he washed off.

She was dried off and dressed before she was put in a coat. Daichi's bedroom light was off and, Sugawara's figure laid on the bed, back rising and falling, slowly as he slept soundly.

Daichi walked over, holding Nozomi. He kissed Suga's hair and rubbed his side. "I love you. I'll be sure to come home a bit early for a full-body massage. You need it." He spotted Nozomi's little giraffe toy in his hand and chuckled softly.

Sugawara's scent turned a bit sweeter, like the inside of a tangerine. Daichi's favorite of what his scent turned to. He kissed his hair again.

Sick Love ~ DaiSuga OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now