19. Worse

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It had been only four years since Suga's nightmares had gotten odd. He still had them and they were bad but somehow Daichi had stopped them for the most part. 

Izumi sometimes was rude and screamed until it triggered Sugawara's panic attacks. He had learned what happened when he made Suga that upset. He got what he wanted and Suga wouldn't ever tell Daichi. 

It was hell being alone with Izumi because of his lashing out and the way he hurt Suga. It was only a few days before a huge lash out that the second gender of this once sweet little boy was found. 

He was an alpha. 

Suga now knew that he was also instinctively stronger. 

Suga wasn't. He was far from it. It was scary how hard Suga would get hit by his son, playfully or not. 

Suga just punished him as he saw fit, never hitting back. If he hit back he would never stop and would be worse than his mother. 

Right now Izumi had friends over and Ichiro was reading, curled up on the couch. Suga was resting, trying to ease a headache. 

"Hey guys, watch this." Izumi got up. He grabbed pots and pans and threw them on the floor. He screamed and Suga hurried upstairs. 

"What's wrong?! Did you get hurt?" 


"Clean up, now. There was no need for that." 


Izumi's friends didn't laugh. They saw the eye bags and frustration. This wasn't funny... 

Ichiro noticed what was going on. "Izumi, Mom needs a nap. His head hurts."


Sugawara was about to grab Izumi's arm before he felt an incredible amount of pain on his nose. He grabbed the doorframe to the pantry, in shock. 

Izumi's other friends got up and rushed to get Izumi away and to help Ichiro stop Sugawara's bleeding.

Suga was shaking and trying to snap out of it, his hands covered in blood. Ichiro noticed this and nearly panicked. He'd seen a few different times that his mother had a weakness for the sight of blood. 

Daichi had to catch him when he fainted once and he'd seen Suga panic. 

"Ichiro... Help me to the floor." 

Ichiro and the other boys helped him down. Sugawara lost consciousness a few seconds later and all of the boys glared at Izumi. 

"Who hurts their mom? That's not cool at all." 

Ichiro cleaned off Suga's face and hands, worried. He grabbed Suga's phone, which he'd been told the password to for emergency purposes. "Dad?"

Izumi's eyes widened. 

"Izumi hit mom and it made him bleed." 

After he ended the call Suga started to wake up a little bit, disoriented. "Mm... Where's Hoshi?"


"Go get Hoshi for me, sweetheart..." 

Sometime later Hoshi trotted up and snuggled him. Daichi showed up and all of the boys were sent home. Nozomi got her mother a box of juice and a cookie. 

Suga went back to the basement and sat in the laundry room with a blanket, trying to relax. 

Upstairs, Nozomi and Ichiro were hiding as Daichi yelled. They'd never heard him yell before like that. It was scary. 

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