1. DON'T

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"Dad?" My voice echoed in the heart of the empty basement. "Dad? Are you in here?"

The basement was a room I had never stepped into before today. No. If you're wondering, my dad did not forbid me from entering it. Yes, however, he did instill an immense fear of eerie dark places in my mind. This, I have now come to realize, was far more effective than rules.

Obviously so, as I'm all of 17 years and still unaware of what our basement hides. Never stepped in. Never, until today.

Suddenly a familiar chime erupted the hollow silence. I gasped and then let out a sigh. Furiously cursing at my phone which lit up with an incoming call, I picked it up.


"Oh, you're in my room? I was looking for you everywhere!"

"Oh you found the charger? Great! I'm coming upstairs. Hold on."


The thing about fear is that, one step into the empty basement and you're mind no longer considers it an impossible or unreachable place.

So, although, I did retreat from the basement that day without going in any further, it was as if I had left the door to it ajar. In my mind, the lock to that forbidden door had been thrown away for forever.


"Dad, the other day, Caden told me his parents grounded him. They're keeping him locked up in his room, because he sneaked out to meet his girlfriend again." I casually voiced, sipping on my morning latte.

"The one his parents don't like?" My dad had a voice rough and low, to match his slightly darkened aura. He had something in him so alluring, that drew people in. But you'll soon realize, I don't mean this as a compliment. More so, as a warning of sorts.

"Yeah-" I stopped as soon as I heard a chuckle from across the breakfast table.

"Foolish" He said under his breath.

My eyebrows furrowed. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Foolish, I said. That's foolish. Trap them physically and they'll break free eventually. Trap them emotionally and..." He trailed off.

"and?" I edged him on, curious.

He looked at me. His dark brown orbs bore holes into my faded emerald colored ones. Soon a small smile etched his lips, letting me know that he was done talking about the topic at hand.

I huffed as he spoke up again.

"Lys, I have to go out today, for some work. Keep busy, okay?"

I nodded finishing up my breakfast as only one word swam in my mind.



Snap. Lock. Snap.

I smiled. Dad had left for work locking the front of door.

To be honest with you, I have picked up some habits unconsciously, over the years, that are rather... peculiar.

I can tell how my dad's footsteps sound on the carpeted floor as he walks towards my door. I can recognize his knock on my door by the slight clash of metal on wood. He still wears his wedding ring even though his wife passed away some 14 years ago, thus the metal on wood. His ring usually knocks against my door producing a chiseled clang letting me know of his presence.

I flinch as I recall that sound. Then slowly relax realizing it was only a memory. Father was not home right now.

But, what does it tell you about dad, if I flinch at sounds that remind me of his presence?

What does it tell you about me?


I stand slowly and start to walk towards the basement.

You see, perception of people change as time passes.

All I knew, at 5 years old, when dad first adopted me, was that he was a lawyer with a kind smile, piercing eyes and something so perfect about him.

Now, 12 years later, I know that his eyes are a little too piercing and that his smile held no warmth in its hollow kindness. And that there was something so off about his perfection.

Something so wrong about him. You know the kind of wrong that makes you feel heavy in the heart? The kind that gives you a gut feeling to stay away from some people? That kind.


But here, I must confess to you, something cardinal.

That day, walking into the dusty old basement of my adoptive father's home, I still had not a single clue of the man I thought I knew.


So, my dear readers, I beg of you, should you ever want to know more about something that is hidden. DON'T.

...For it was hidden away with rightful reason.


Hey loves♡, hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Don't worry though, there is still plenty of story to come, this is just the beginning. I have somewhat written a few chapters out, but I would love to hear your theories about where this story is going and what is going on with Lys' dad. So send all your theories to my twitter account, username - AuthorShr.

TWITTER LINK => https://twitter.com/AuthorShr

I love it when y'all interact, so please like, comment and follow this account! Also, drop by my twitter account to give feedback or suggestions! See you in the next chapter! Stay safe and take care!

Lots of love, Shr♡.


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