4 3 1

"Caden? Hello? Can you hear me?"

"Yes Lys. But why are you whispering?"

"Because it's 2 in the morning and dad is sleeping, you fool!"

"And that brings me back to my initial question- WHY ARE YOU CALLING AT 2 AM??" Caden whisper-shouted.

"I couldn't sleep." I said softly.

There was a long sigh on the other end of the line. "What's wrong Lys? You cried all evening today at my place, now you can't sleep, what happened? Did something happen at home?"

"What home?" I chuckled bitterly.

"Lys... you love your dad remember? Small fights won't change that."

But hidden photos of 11 girls in the basement most definitely will.

"He gave you a home Lys. You should be grateful for that, you know? Just talk it out with him and you'll be fine. It's not that big of a deal. He's your dad, he could never hurt you, Lys."



You hear that last line people? Caden told me that day that Mr. Levi Kline, was my dad, and thus, he could never hurt me. Oh how wrong he was. How terribly and unimaginably mistaken.


I had cut the call without a reply that night and had promised myself to never talk about this to him again.

So, here, a word of advice to those out there who say "Parents cannot harm their children" or "Parents can never abandon their children", don't. Don't say it, because there are many who have experienced such traumas and saying these baseless claims invalidate their pain and sufferings.

People can be monsters. All people can be monsters. Remember that.


"Lys, here's your breakfast. I was thinking that today-"

"Thanks dad." I cut him off and walked over to the kitchen counter.

"Um, ya, so I was thinking, we could go out today Lys. It's been a while since we went on a father- daughter trip, you know?"

"I'm busy" I avoided his gaze.

"With what?"

"M-Music" I hesitated.

He sighed deeply.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you shouldn't waste your time on music. You'll have your whole life for that hobby. But right now, you need to focus on building your career."

"But dad! It's not just my hobby, I want it to be my-"

"No. Music is not a career. Focus on your studies."

I rolled my eyes, dropping my fork on the plate with a clang in frustration.

"Lys. Eat your-"

"Not hungry." Is the last thing I said before slamming the front door shut behind me and walking to school.


It is so easy, is it not? To disregard other's feelings as 'a phase' or 'a bad day'

I bet no one stops to think "Wow, maybe I'm really hurting them!". For all the years after this that I lived under my dad's roof, I wished everyday that he would realize it.

But he never did.

And it never stopped.

Sometimes the only way to end the pain is to pull the plug.


"Would you jump?" I looked up at Caden, who had just asked me this question.


"If it got bad enough, Lys, would you find a tall building, and jump? To end it all?"

I stayed silent, contemplating the answer in my mind.

"I don't think I'd ever be brave enough" I whisper.

"Brave enough for?"

"To take that gamble. I have so many expectations from this life. To love, to live, have my songs play on the radio, have my novels be New York bestsellers. I can't take the gamble to lose that. I'm not brave enough to convince myself that these are dreams I can just let go of, no matter how tough things become. These are moments I want to live. And I will live them. That's all. I wouldn't give my dreams up, even for myself." I said quietly.

Caden smiles, looking off into the distance. "Some things, you're better off, never being brave enough for."

I look up at him again, my eyes lost in admiring him. A small smile played on my lips. Maybe he's right.


Walking home has never been a greater challenge. It was raining as if the heavens wanted to drown me, and the worst part of my day was approaching- seeing dad.

When had it become this way? I huffed. Whatever.

Suddenly, the rain stopped sliding down the side of my face. I looked up with a smile, expecting to see a clear sky. But instead, was met with the muddy blue fabric of an umbrella.

I spun on my heel to face a drenched, auburn haired girl. About my age, her disheveled locks falling over dark brown eyes onto rosy, chipped off lips.

I cocked one eyebrow at the stranger in confusion.

"Now that it's raining more than ever, You can stand under my umbrella" She sang Rihanna's lyrics to me, teasingly.

I burst out laughing and she joined in, and suddenly we didn't feel like strangers anymore.

"I'll walk you to your house" she said, her voice strained but soft.

I nodded, smiling. It was only a few steps before I stopped at my doorstep and she waved me goodbye, walking away towards her house.

I sighed, as she moved out of view, before I walking inside.

"Don't tell me, you have added being a lesbian to your list of disappoints." came a voice from the kitchen.

I said nothing, trying to avoid yet another argument.

Then came a sigh. "I'm only looking out for you Lys. Don't make me the bad guy in your mind." He continued.

But he was. He was the bad guy. Not just in my story. But in 11 other stories too.


Hey loves! How did you like the 3rd chapter? Some character development of Caden and also Lys' dad. Anyways, any interaction means the world to me. Link to my socials is in the comments. Please like, comment and follow for more.

Much love, Shr♡


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