03 - The Picture

46 5 120

Fiona Davis

Bed was my safe place. I'd snuggle into the duvet as happy as a cat in the sunlight, ready for my starry dreams. I'd fall asleep in good time, either slowly or fast, either way I enjoyed that feeling of relaxing. 

But this time it was different. Earlier, after talking to Lucas, I shut my phone afraid of what he could've done to get revenge but It wouldn't stop ringing, which made me even more anxious.     I decided to take a look out of curiosity.

I first opened my best friend's message first :

Lana : * picture*

Lana :  Fiona what is this?? 

Lana : Is that really you??

Lana : Fiona answer your phone

*19 missed calls of Lana *

Frightened, I opened the attached picture gasping in horror when I saw it.

A picture of me, naked.

my heart skipped a beat, how did she get this? the picture was taken from my window, at that moment I just took a shower and forgot my towel on my chair in bedroom so I had to run to close the curtains, but I m sure I didn't see anyone when closing them, and, certainly not Lana.

Me : What is this?? How did you get it?

Lana : Everyone saw it, Fiona...

Lana : Apparently Lucas send it to everyone

Me : you kidding right?

Lana : ...

Lana : I'm sorry sweetheart...

I left the chat and quickly went through all my message.  They were all about the photo, either making fun of my naked body or boys making dirty jokes.

Self control is a finite resource because the part of the brain exerting control gets tired - it requires energy and that gets depleted. So, the repressing of anger needs careful thought. If it is boiling up, how will it be cooled?

 It had to explode.

I picked up my phone, dialled Lucas' number and pressed the "call" button.

"  Hel-

 - What exactly do you think you are doing??" I cut him off

" - I warned you

- First of all, I didn't tell Olivia about the kiss. 

- But -

- Let me finish. Secondly why were you kissing him in the first place?? 

- I told y-

- SHUT UP. Thirdly what you did is illegal you are such an asshole.

- Can I talk now? 

- I wish you would stop talking for the rest of your life and die in excruciating pain but yes go ahead."  I sighed,

" - Okay?

- You better start explaining or I'll block you

- Stop being dramatic, it's not that bad

- ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" I shouted in shock

" - What? You actually have a nice body"

I couldn't take this anymore, I turned off my phone in anger and wrapped myself in the blankets and fell asleep.

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