Chapter 3

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[Jonah's POV]

We both got ready and headed to the nurse's office and Ruby's office to get me checked out and our missing homework and notes for yesterday. As the nurse checked me out, she ran some blood, and after the results came back, she told me to wait outside while she talked with Kurumu.

[Kurumu's POV]

Nurse: Alright, ma'am, he's healthy for the most part, but his blood is a different concern.

Kurumu: What's wrong with his blood.

Nurse: Nothing terrible, but you said he's 17, but he looks like he does because of his heritage.

Kurumu: Yes, this is true why.

Nurse: His blood tells me he's ten exactly.

Kurumu: What.

Nurse: I'm not lying. He's ten exactly, but that's not the weirdest thing.

Kurumu: What's weirder than that.

Nurse: His body doesn't have the organs that would be needed for puberty.

Kurumu: So he's ten forever, but what about his mental status.

Nurse: He's a perfect gentleman, but he's physically stuck at ten years old.

Kurumu: Why didn't you tell him.

Nurse: His mother never told him the truth, so why should I.

Kurumu: Are you going to talk to his mother.

Nurse: Yes, I'll call her after you two leave, and I'll let you know when she's coming to speak with me.

Kurumu: Thank you.

Nurse: Also, you should refrain from telling anyone this.

Kurumu: I won't.

I stepped out to see Jonah sitting on the bench by the door.

Kurumu: Hey sweetie, ready to see Ruby.

Jonah: Sure

As we got to Ruby's office and received our homework and notes for the day, I couldn't help but look at him with loving eyes, not my usual lust-filled ones, whenever a succubus would look man, which makes me ask myself one question.

Kurumu: Could he be my Destined One?

As we get back to the dorm, we quickly made dinner and worked on homework while we ate. Then came nighttime, and Jonah had insisted I have the bed while he slept on the floor.

Kurumu: Come here, Jonah.

Jonah: No, it's wrong for two people who aren't husband and wife to be in the same bed.

Kurumu: I don't want you to be in pain and get sick. If you wish to, can it just be until we get another bed?

Jonah: Fine, but only until we get another bed.

Kurumu: And if there's a chance, we cant get another bed.

Jonah: Then yes, we can do this for a while.

Kurumu: Thank you, sweetie.

Jonah: Thank you, Kurumu.

After he fell asleep, I kissed him on his nose.

Kurumu: Soon, I'll be able to confess to you and tell you your secret that even you don't know about.

As I fell asleep, I dreamt about being married to Jonah and not caring if he's stuck as a kid forever. All I know is I indeed have found my Destined One.

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