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The air was cold but sharp as is whisked past. A creature, that looked human but had small horns that flowed back from it's forehead and a demon-like tail, held a larger object that was wrapped in a brown cloth. The creature held the wrapped object close as it ran on foot at a speed that no human could match. The sound of hooves close behind. The creature weaved around trees, over roots and under branches as it continued to run. Soon the creature was surrounded on all sides by men on armoured horses.

"Hand the egg to us and we may let you live to see the sun rise again" A deep voice spoke from a top a horse that stepped close to the creature. "That doesn't belong to you so hand it over!"

"I'd rather die then hand you that egg, you are unworthy of it. The egg itself has shown that!" The creature snarled, holding the egg closer.

        "Then you shall die!" The man on the horse then rushed the creature, sword drawn, and slashed at the creature. The creature screeched as the sword struck it's shoulder. The wrapped object fell from its hands and landed on the ground. The object unwrapped to show a beautiful midnight black egg with white specks that looked like little stars. The creature reached towards the egg and spoke in a foreign language. And the egg glowed then vanished. (Yes I know it's like Eragon but shhh) The man on the horse roared in rage and slashed at the creature again, this time killing it.

[265 words - Proofread]

Oh? What's this?
- Snow

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