The Encounter

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Draco POV

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS IN YOUR MOUTH" I jump hearing someone shouting, how did they get into my room my door was locked right!? I dive under my blanky hiding myself and my stuff, scared and shaking from the sudden intruder that is in my room. Who is it? What do they want? They now know everything... I start to silently cry to myself hoping they don't hear me, I would hate that much more than them knowing about my secret. I wish they would just go away. I hear the person walk away and the door closes. I start freaking out more, oh no my secret will be spilled all over the school now what should I do? I slowly climb out from under my blanket trying to catch my breath. I wipe my eyes from the tears still falling. "Are you okay?" I heard a voice say, making me Jump again, I whipped round to see who the intruder was... POTTER! This can't be happening, no no no. Not him, why of all people why him? I would have preferred Bwaise or even Pany just why did it have to be him. He already hates me, now I've made it worse and the whole school will know. Backing away from him I try to hide in my knees but deep down I know he can still see me, I want the ground to open up and drag me down away from this situation I've found myself in. I want Jaffar and Nuni but they are hiding under my blanket, I don't want him to steal them. I want my paci. OH NO my paci..... It's not under here where is it!? Shit Shit Shit, he might have it. I peek from the blanket and my worst nightmare is reality. Potter has my paci.

He is holding it in his hand staring at it, he is looking at it, inspecting it. I wish I had it back. I silently creep out and shit cross legged having a bit more courage. I stare at him, shuffling closer, holding my hand out wanting it back he already knows and I just want it back in my grasp so he can't run off with it and tell everyone about what he saw, how I wish I could be big and get him out of here and get him to keep his mouth shut. He still doesn't notice me so I crawl over to his leg and tap it, scared out of my mind. I sit back on my knees and hold my hand out. I pull some courage out from Merlin knows where and say "Dwaco haf it bak pees?"

Harry POV

I'm staring at the pacifier, it's a lot bigger than a small child's one. I remember when Dudley had them when he was about 4 years old. I was never allowed one, but I don't really get it. What's the point in it? And why is this one so big? Funny that Malfoy has it as its green, I wonder who he stole it from? "Dwaco haf it bak pees?" I twitch, forgetting he is here, breaking me out of my thoughts, I stare at Draco absolutely dumbfounded by the way he is talking. The all so famous Draco Malfoy is talking like a toddler would!

I slowly hand him the pacifier, not really knowing what else to do, I see him reaching out for it with this goofy child-like grin on his face not gonna lie it's kinda.... Adorable, cute... idk the word. He looks quite sweet and innocent like a child would "dank chu hawy" I hear him say, hawy? Oh I guess he's trying to say Harry! It's a bit weird he never says my first name but okay we'll roll with it... I guess? I dunno what to do now... should I just leave it and ask him if he is hurt? That's why I'm here isn't it? I crouch down so i'm at his height "are you alright draco u fell earlier in your rush to get to the ball" he stared at me for a minute tilting his head to the side "Dwaco fine, Dwaco was wate." He nodded as if to prove his point. I nod back, phew he's okay now do I leave? I stand up to go "Um, I should be heading back. Just wanted to check you were okay" I see his face go from a goofy happy smile to a sad puppy face.

"Hawy go weave me? Nu nu nu, Dwaco wanna Pway!" I stand up thinking if I should stay or not we could both lose house points if I'm found here or worse expelled, as Hermione would say, I'm also not too sure what will happen if Draco isn't child-like anymore. We still don't like each other, or more specifically he hates me. Should I comment on this? Maybe, as. He can figure it out then. "But Draco, you don't like me?" I say calmly standing at the door. I see his lip start to wobble and his eyes puff up... he's going to cry. "Dwaco nu Hate Hawy, Hawy fwiend. We Pway" I sigh and shrug. "I guess but not for too long I've got to get back to my room" he nods looking happy. 

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