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Draco POV

I'm glad that Potter decided to stay. I finally have someone to play with that isn't my stuffies, not that I don't like to play with them, it's just I like to be able to talk with someone. I look over at Harry who is staring at me from the door. I giggle and pick up Nuri and Jaffar handing Potter Jaffar while putting in my paci.

"Pway, Hawwy Pway" I say, shaking Jaffar around towards him. He nods and starts to come over.

"Dis Jaffar, my Stuffie we fwiends. Jaffar did Hawwy he fwiend fwom schoow" I say nodding at Jaffar.

Harry's POV

I walk away from the door to go sit next to Draco taking the Snake toy. What do I do now? I've never had one, it's soft. Draco encourages me to play by introducing me to Jaffar, his Snake toy. I nod and say back "Hello" making Draco giggle. He then puts down the dragon toy and says "Nuri" pointing at it. I nod and smile at him, he's kinda cute I guess. "Make dem real, Make dem real" Draco keeps saying to me. I'm not sure if it's a good idea because it's a snake and a dragon. Maybe if I turned them into movable toys? That can speak and stuff? But idk the spell will have to ask Mione.

I shake my head "Not now, next time we play" I say as if we always do this, his eyes go wide and he bounces. "Again? Again, again, again" he says happily.

Time skip

Its been a couple hours since I've been in dracos room playing with him and it's getting late. Maybe I should finally head out and get some sleep myself, should I put him to bed? or just leave him be? I've never been in this situation before. I get up to leave but get stopped by draco pulling my hand yawning while rubbing his eye with his free hand 'so cute not that i would say that out loud to him or any one'. "What is it Draco, sleepy?"

Dracos POV

"What is it draco, sleepy? I hear potter say, yes im sleepy but i don't wanna go to bed or be alone i start to pout i don't know what i want so i just keep holding his hand and look up at him wanting to cuddle and read a book as if he could read minds he picks me up and lays me down on my bed grabs my stuffies, paci, and my book and sits down and reads to me i slowly fall asleep cuddling my stuffies


Harrys POV

I finish reading the book that draco was reading earlier and notes that he is asleep now to get out of here before i get in trouble or worse i walk out with my invisibility cloak and walk out of his room locking the door on the way out so no one else finds out his little secret i know i wouldn't want a secret like that getting out and tho he may have told everyone about it i'm not going to do that to him not when he was so cute and innocent. Merlin i hope no one is up in the common room i dont fill like making up a lie to get out of telling Draco's secret.

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