Tamakoma VS Reporters

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Tamakoma was not a known branch to the public. It only made sense, after all. A branch that is willing to befriend the very thing that hurt their home? Yes, a bad idea indeed. But the headquarters saw opportunity.

'The all mighty Border has tamed Neighbor soldiers!'

Now, if it were normal any circumstance this would not even be considered. But with the upcoming away mission, they needed all the support they could get.

It was about time the misfit branch took care of the messes they made.


All around Mikado city TVs were turned on to the max, families gathering around. Even in Borders HQ, not a single person wanted to miss such an event. No one was given details, only that an exclusive interview was to take place in 'The Neighbor friendly branch.'

Tachikawa grind, his team gathered in their space with the Kazama squad. "Take that you ass." Tachikawa barked a laugh. Kazama nodded in approval. Even Jin's side effect won't save him now.

At the Tamakoma headquarters

"LOCK THE WINDOWS YOU DOLT!" Konami yelled at Hyuse. The teen did so with a scowl, rushing towards the window. His face grew pale when he saw the crowd of Meiden's with what he learned was 'camara's'.

Jin jogged over to where the sixteen year old was and shuttered. Not even his side effect would save them from this.

Karasuma and Reiji hid underneath the table as Konami screamed curses. Osamu helped Usami and Chika prepare snacks, seeing that they would not be leaving anytime soon.

Yuma, who had just gotten done with evacuating the child, walked over to Jin. As he took in the view of eager people he asked; "What are our chances of keeping them out?" Jin winced. "2% or less."

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