Yuma VS The news

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Ok yall, I had no idea what I was doing with this so plz dont judge-  (Note- this was not edited) 

Yuma watched as Karasawa told Osamu how they were going to avoid the fire off the public. Yuma's face was blank but his blood (Or trion) was boiling. What was wrong with these people? Good people were rare, but heros were almost unspeakable.

Heroes. If you told Yuma that heroes were real a few months ago, he would have kicked you through a wall. Heroes didn't exist. Someone who would help someone without aim, who no matter who you are doesn't want you to suffer. That's why his dad's death bothered him so much. Why save him?

For years of his life after his fathers death, Yuma saw life as a curse. What was its point? But then he came to Japan. It was filled with kind people, and among them, a hero.

So how dare they mistake their own blessing as a criminal.

Yuma watched as Osamu went out, his injuries painfully clear. Like hell Yuma was just going to sit by.

Ah. That's why Karasawa brought him along. He turned to the man, whose eyes were on him. "You are one sly bastard." Yuma stated. Said man just smiled. " Yet I gave you a chance to save your light." Osamus Mom eyed Yuma. "Are you going to save my son?" Yuma shrugged. "Ill do my best but, I'm no Osamu." I'm not a hero.


Rindo cringed. Osamu was getting grilled. And for the life of him, he didn't know how to help. But then he saw a mob of white out the corner of this eye. Turning his head to face the source, he grinded. Of course he wouldn't let this go on.


Somehow, the small white haired boy was able to get all of the attention the moment he walked in. All cameras turned towards Yuma. Shocking many behind the screen who knew him, there was no room for comfort. His gaze was cold and his face was neutral.

Back at HQ Midorikawa shivered. Yuma was pissed.

Walking up to the Mic, Yuma spoke to Osamu. "Go rest. I got this." Despite being the captain, Osamu knew that there was no room for argument. He wasn't able to calm the crowd anyways. Giving Yuma a nod of thanks, for the first time in a long time, Osamu turned and walked away from the battle.

Yuma, being the shrimp he was, grabbed the mic and stood in front of the stand, ignoring the protest behind him. Yuma put on a fake smile and addressed the crowd.

"Pardon me, but I will be taking my leader's place as he is still injured and ill from contributing to your rescue and a very big handful of C ranks. " Yuma said, starting strong right off the bat.

"We need your name! Give us an introduction." A woman demanded. Yuma didn't flatter. " Kuga Yuma, 15 years old." " Kuga, what is your relationship with Mikumo Osamu?" A man rudely asked. " Partner, future squad member and friend. Also someone he saved." Yuma replied, surprising everyone, including Osamu. " And what would you like to say about those he failed to save during the war with the Neighbors?" Another woman asked.

Yuma set his eyes on her. "War? Is that what you are calling it?" Yuma asked, seeming amused. "Are you mocking us, boy?!" A man growled.

Yuma turned serious. "Truthfully, sir, no. But as a dieing war vetrin, I can't help but ask." This silenced the room. " You see, I am not from here. You would call me a Neighbor." The room erupted. The board members gaped in shock. What was he doing?

"Did Border know this?!" Someone demanded. "No." Yuma lied smoothly. Seeing the expressions of the Border members behind him, Yuma was easily believed. "Why expose yourself?" A younger man asked.

"To help you understand your own position." Yuma stated. Before anyone could test him more, Yuma asked; "Do you know what a hero is?" This gained some confused looks." Of course, everyone knows what a hero is." An older woman stated.

Yuma shook his head. "I can confidently say that your planet is the only one with belief in that word. Here kindness isn't uncommon, but in all other places, it's a fool's move." 

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