If any of these get brough back it will probably be this one

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When Kageura first met Tamakoma's tiny fighter, Kage labeled him as annoying.

The small albino child who obviously was too ignorant to be on the battlefield got lucky with Ko, nothing more. He could stand toe to toe with Kage himself, Ko could even beat him. This tiny little shrimp?

Kage laughed at Ko. There was no way!

But then something happened. The little boy in front of him made the proclamation. That somehow, beyond Kage's wildest imagination, this child and his team were going to beat him and go on the away mission.

An emotional proclamation, one might say.

But Kage felt nothing.

No itch, no tingling of the skin. Nothing.

And then, Tamakoma's ace was interesting.

The second time of their meeting would be on the battlefield. Surrounded by powerful teams, Tamaokma's captain crumbled with the pressure, and brought his sniper down with him.

But Kage didn't care about that. He only cared about the attacker in front of him.

By all means, the chibi should be finished by now. No one to support him, and from the looks of it, his team wasn't trying to help him from the sidelines either. But for some reason, he was sturdy.

He still went after points, never froze, never hesitated. Even with someone like Kage after him, the ace didn't crack. Like he knew what he was good for.

Suddenly, Kage didn't see the kid. He only saw a soldier.

So when he was met face to face with the weapon of a crumbling soldier, Kages OWN WEAPON, Kuga became a rival.

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