Odd thingy micbob

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It was ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.

Arafune studied three of the strongest people he's ever met with a stupefied gase. Kuga- oh tiny, OBLIVIOUS Kuga- was happily chatting with Midorikawa. Now, of course there is nothing wrong with that. The two are good friends, so that was natural.

No, Midorikawa wasn't the issue.

The two A-Ranks hounding them, on the other hand, were.

Kageura Masato and Murakami Ko, some of the strongest that Border has, were warding off anyone who approached the two boys.

Not for Midorikawa, no it was very clear that Midroikawa was not the target of this odd protection.

Kuga didn't even understand the protective idiocy occurring right in front of him.

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