Chapter 5

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"No, no." Thorn hissed at the group that he was help battle training with. "You have to tuck your hind legs in, and then kick out. Other wise you look like you're trying to fly."

Winston, Dove, Poppy, and Lake were in the practice clearing. Winston was jealous that Lotus and Cypress got to out and hunt. It was probably more fun than being screamed at by Thorn all afternoon.

"Winston." Thorn mewed. "Show the group again, since you're the only one who seems to get it." Once more, Winston crouched low. Tucking his hind legs in tightly, Winston sprang into the air kicking out. He landed gently on his paws.

"Very good." Thorn praised Winston through narrow eyes. Thorn was good friends with Rowan and Orion, and they weren't too fond of Winston. For who knows what reason, and Winston didn't care to find out why.

"You see how Winston tucks his hind legs in tightly?" Thorn explains. "It allows you to jump higher, and kicker wider. Your enemy won't see it coming."

The group practiced the battle move once more, and they looked more comfortable doing it. Winston watched Dove leap into the air, kicking her legs out as far as they could go.

"Okay, let's try this move." Thorn meows. "Winston, I want you to charge at me. When I say go, charge."

Winston nodded his head, and scratched the dirt. He dropped into his hunting crouch.

"GO!" Thorn yowled and Winston charged full speed at Thorn. Quickly dodging Winston, Thorn stuck his hind leg under Winston, tripping him. Winston's belly smacking the ground knocked the wind out of him.

"Good." Thorn smirked. "Exactly how it should be done."

"Right." Winston meowed, wheezing for air.

"Alright, I want you guys to practice it a few times, carefully. We'll wrap training up after that." Thorn mewed and sat back to watch the group.

Luckily Winston was able to sit this move out. After all, he was doing better than most of the clan any way. He couldn't help but hold back laughter at his friend, Dove, who was still have trouble with the current move they were working on.

Winston could hear Dove getting frustrated, and overheard Poppy encouraging Dove.
"It's okay, Dove. Keep trying."
"I don't think I'll ever get this move, down." Dove hissed. "Why are we battle training anyways? We've never done this. Now some rogue joins our camp, and suddenly we're preparing for the greatest war."

Winston's ears flattened to his head, as he heard Dove call him a rogue as the others did. He had thought they were friends, and this is what she thought of him. Winston decided he would ignore her comment and not start drama.

"Okay, we're dismissing back to camp now." Thorn flicked his tail and padded in the direction of the camp. "Great work, you're all learning quickly. Especially you, Winston." Thorn's praise made Winston feel proud. He was doing a wonderful job battle training.

Winston heard a hiss of annoyance escape from Dove, and Winston whipped around to face her.

"Is there a problem, Dove?" Winston mewed through gritted teeth.

"No." She hissed back. "No problem at all." She padded away, and stuck her tail up at Winston.

What gives? Winston thought. He shook the thoughts from his head. He didn't have time to focus on why Dove was suddenly being rude to him.

Winston turned and bounded away from the battle clearing, and back into the main clearing. The camp was busy with chatter, and laughter. The sun shining had the clan outside. Summer was on its way, and that made Winston worry.

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