Chapter 6

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Ember paced around her cave, and Winston knew it meant she was afraid. She paced, but never this much.

"What do you mean cutting down the forest?" Ember hissed and her pacing quickly stopped. She stared down at Winston and Cypress, anger flashing in her eyes. This was the first time Winston had seen Ember this upset.

"The no-furs, they were driving these machines." Winston explained, voice quiet from fear. He was afraid Ember would act irrationally toward him. "They first cut the tree, then use the machines to carry them away."

Cypress' ears twitched as Winston spoke. He had yet to say anything about the situation, and Winston knew it was because he feared Ember.

Did everyone fear Ember?

"Where?" Ember mews curtly and hops down from her ledge. She begins to pace once more, her tail drooping down to the floor.

"Just past the northern border. Up by the main roads." Winston explained. Ember's eyes grew big with shock.

"You went all the way there?" Ember hissed. "That's mouse-brained of both of you!" Ember scolded her warriors. Luckily Winston had not told her about how they were approached by the a few of the no-furs. Seeing Ember's anger quickly ruled that idea out.

"I made myself very clear, when I told the clan not to venture to far from the camp!" Ember yowled at both of the tom cats. It frightened Winston a little more than he would've liked to admit.

"Ember." Winston hissed. "We have a BIGGER problem on our hands if these no-furs are planning to cut the forest down!" Winston's head snapped in Cypress' direction, and he shot him a look that said "Help me."

"Ember, we apologize for disobeying your order. Winston and I thought we were doing what was best for the clan." Cypress meows sheepishly. Ember's stared down at Winston and Cypress, anger pouring from her eyes.

"Am I supposed to just believe that two cats, one being a rogue, just saw a group of no-furs cutting the forest down?" Ember hisses.

"Why would anybody lie about something like that?" Winston hissed through gritted teeth. Why was Ember so naive? She didn't take Rowan's warning seriously, and now she's not taking Winston's seriously. The clan was in danger, and Ember was doing everything in her power to avoid the situation.

"Winston disarmed the traps, that you were so worried about." Cypress hissed. "You should thank him, and thank us for looking out for OUR clan." A growl escaped from Cypress' chest, and it shocked both Winston and Ember.

"You two will be spending the rest of the afternoon, and all of tomorrow in camp. No patrols, no hunting. You'll also be in charge of finding new bedding for the nursery den." Ember hisses.

"Yes, Ember." Winston meowed feeling defeated.

With a flick of her tail, she dismissed Winston and Cypress from her den. Angrily, Winston stormed out of the den and down the trail back into camp. He couldn't believe how naive Ember was being right now. Danger was imminent, it was only a matter of when.

Stomping through camp, Winston began to make his way toward his den that he shared. If he wasn't allowed to leave camp, he wouldn't spend it outside in the clearing either. Winston was angry with Ember.

"Winston!" Lotus padded up to Winston, happily. She touched noses with him. "Want to come hunting with me? Prey pile's a bit low." She mewed, happiness in her voice. She was excited to see him.

"No." Winston snapped and kept walking toward his den. "I can't." He disappeared into the den, leaving Lotus staring after him, confused.

Winston's eyes slowly opened, and the warm late afternoon sunlight almost blinded Winston. There was a warm glow throughout the den. Confused and groggy, Winston stretched his legs out and stood up to shake his fur out.

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