Chapter 7

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A few days later, it seemed as if Ember had calmed down from the news Winston and Cypress had shared. She still wasn't ready to accept the idea of her clan being in danger, but she wasn't angry anymore, and that was okay with Winston. The clan felt happier.

She was actually in a really great mood.
"Nice catch out there, Winston." Ember mewed pleased, nodding her head. "Nobody will be hungry today!"

Of course, that was all Ember cared about for the past couple days. Making sure the camp was fed.

"Hunger doesn't win battles." Ember had meowed. "And certainly doesn't help us prepare, either."

Winston knew she was right, but there was more to being prepared than just having a full belly. For starters, admitting that there's a problem is usually a good start. Winston wasn't going to argue with Ember though. Especially not after seeing what Ember's done to Rowan.

"Winston, mouse-brain, where's your head at? Because it's not in the hunt right now!" Dove hissed quietly.

"Sorry, I'm fogging out." Winston apologized, sulking.

"Focus, Winston.." Lotus mewed soothingly. Winston dropped into his hunting crouch and began to stalk a crow pecking the ground.

I'm going to give this crow the time of it's life. Winston smirked, creeping silently toward the crow. It has no idea Winston was on his tail. Sliding across the undergrowth, Winston plastered his tail to the ground.

Moments later, Winston sprang into the air, landing on the crow. Winston pinned the crow down, and as the bird flapped to break free, Winston nipped his neck. Proudly, he carried his plump crow back to his hunting patrol, and placed proudly at Lotus' paws.

"Tonight, we share this." Winston purred at Lotus.

"Stop being so cute." Dove purred in amusement. Winston was surprised Dove was talking to him again. Winston guessed it had just been a bad day. Dove never did truly apologize though.

Forgive and forget, Winston guessed.

The patrol had plenty to bring back to the camp. Winston's crow, Lotus had caught a couple field mice, Dove and Cypress both caught plump rabbits. The clan would eat great tonight.

In the distance Winston could hear the rumbling from the machines near the northern border. He could feel the Earth vibrating underneath him.

"The machines...." Cypress mewed, flattening his ears to his head. "Let's get back to camp." The patrol quickly grabbed their game and padded through the forest. The leaves were green and the trees made the forest feel private. Winston hoped the no-furs wouldn't find their camp, but somehow, Winston had a bad feeling about them.

The patrol returned to camp, and hurried to put their catchings in the pile. The clan looked well-fed and healthy. Ember watched from high ledge, pleased with what she was seeing. The atmosphere felt positive again, for the first in almost a week.

"Please join me under high ledge for an important clan meeting!" Ember's voice rang out. Winston's ears perked up in astonishment.

A meeting? Now?

Winston wondered what was going on, but hurried to join the rest of the clan under the high ledge. Ember slowly padded onto the ledge that her clan sat beneath.

"Friends, I've called you here, underneath high ledge because it is time." Ember's yowl could be heard across the camp.

Winston gulped. Time for what?

"Winston, would you please join me up here on high ledge?" Ember asks, looking down at Winston. The entire clan was silent. Winston wondered if everyone was as confused as he was. He scrambled to his paws, and quickly made his way up to high ledge.

"Winston, you have been here for over a week now. You have proven that you are a loyal clan mate, by doing what you feel is best, with the best intentions." Ember meowed, dipping her head at Winston.

"You make sure the clan is fed and protected.
I could have asked for a better clan member. The time has come Winston, for you to receive your full clan name. If you should choose to accept your name, you will be an official member of this clan."
Ember's voice was extra cheerful.

Winston dipped his head to his leader. He couldn't imagine a better place to be.

"Winston, the time has come to let go of your no-fur pet name, and receive your full clan name. From this day forth, you shall be known as Lion's Mane. I chose this name because of your great bravery with dealing with the fox and bear traps." Ember dipped her head, and touched noses with Lion.

"Lion, you are officially apart of this clan now." Ember meowed. "Thank you, you may rejoin the rest of the clan."

"Lion! Lion!" The clan chanted and cheered. Even Rowan and Luna seemed to be excited for Lion to receive his full clan name. It was an exciting day for Winston.

"I have urgent news that needs to be shared." Ember meowed more seriously.

The rest of the clan stared up at Ember. The fear spilling off each and everyone cat's flank. The silence was thick.

"A couple of days ago, Lion came to me, and warned me about a large group of No-Furs and their large machines. There had been sites of them cutting down trees all throughout the forest." Ember hissed quietly.

Lion's ears flattened to his head. What would this mean for his clan, the group of cats he has gotten to know. Where would they end up going?

"As of right now, it doesn't look like the No-Furs are heading toward this way yet, but that does NOT mean we are in the clear yet. We must be proactive, we must be ready for anything and everything." Ember yowled.

Winston looked around at his clannates. Lotus' fur was standing up, and Dove's eyes were clouded with sadness. Rowan and Luna were whispering, and then Rowan shot Winston a worried look.

"What are we going to do Ember?" The clan began to howl and wail, and Ember stomped her foot on the ledge that her clan was sitting underneath.

"Silence!" She hissed. "You all are panicking for nothing yet! We don't even know if they will move forward toward our camp or not, but I do know that we need to keep our eyes open. WATCH your backs! If something seems suspicious, report it to either me or Lion right away."

"Why to Lion? He's not our camp leader! He's a rogue!" Squeaked a tiny little tortoiseshell cat. Ember shot her a warning glance, that basically said:

Do you dare question me?

The tortoiseshell cat's ears dropped and she remained silent for the remainder of the meeting.

"There are going to be some big changes that are going to be taking place in this camp, and I have an extremely big decision to make." Ember mewed. "As you know we do not have a deputy in this clan, as I never felt the need to have one."

Lion felt his heart drop. If Ember is looking for a deputy, maybe she will pick me. She probably wouldn't though, she would want somebody who was more clan born, and Lion wasn't it.

"Okay, that is all I have for now. Please return back to your afternoon duties, but please be careful, and please don't stray to far from camp." Ember meowed.  "Please hunt in pairs, or small groups for the time being."

The clan began to disperse, quiet chattering amongst the clan, rang loudly within Lion's ears.

"Lion!" Ember voice rang through the clearing, it made him jump. His furs on his tail were standing up. "Please come to my den. I need to speak with you instantly."

Lion could feel the the eyes of every single clan member on him, and it made him feel hot with embarrassment. He turned and quickly hopped up the ledge, and into Ember's cave.

I wonder what she wants to talk about?

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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