I don't wanna die

16 3 2

TRIGGER WARNING: death, thoughts of not living

I don't wanna die

I just want break from the things that life brings

just for a moment

just so I can catch up

I don't wanna die

I just want the world around me to stop

just so I can take a second to process everything that is happening around me

I don't wanna die

I just think "I hate it here" the moment wake up

and a least 10 other times throughout the day

I don't wanna die

I just question my existence and its worth anytime I see my reflection

I don't wanna die

I just want to see how everyone I know reacts

to the fact that I no longer walk their world

I swear don't wanna die

because I enjoy living

I just don't enjoy the unpredictable events that come with it 

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