8 - Reunited

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The softest of sounds had me looking around nervously. Not only were the dark shadows around us threatening but the creak in the trees, as if they were moving in response to our intrusion, had me grow more and more wary of these woods.

Though the forest was dark, it was not as much as Moria. With an added advantage of my night vision, this path we tread was clear and did not make me as ruffled as I was in the mines. Nonetheless, it was still a place that triggered instincts of caution to predators and other dangers in me. The alertness of the others only added to the necessity of being on extreme guard.

"This forest is old. Very old," spoke Legolas as we stopped a moment to take in our surroundings. His words were true, the size of the trees and the lichen and creepers and moss that grew all over indicating that. He added, "Full of memory...and anger."

"How do you know that?" I asked curiously.

"I hear the trees speak." Just as he said that, a strained groan came from the trees around us. Looking about, Legolas added, "The trees are speaking to each other."

While I stepped closer to Legolas, eying the trees in unease, he looked to Gimli with an expression of alarm. Gimli had raised his axe in defense to the loud noise, searching for anyone who could be a threat to us – in this case, the trees.

"Lower your axe, Gimli," said Aragorn. Gimli didn't seem too keen on doing so but lowered his axe nonetheless.

"They have feelings, my friend," said Legolas, his voice soft and understanding. Then he looked back at the trees, "The elves began it, walking up the trees and teaching them to speak."

"What do they say?" I asked, genuinely curious to know what the trees spoke of. This seemed so magical.

"They are full of hatred, anger at the dark forces allowed to run wild and destroy them. They speak of orcs and evil men of Saruman who cut them down. They have gone wild now, hating anyone who enters the forest, certain that they only mean harm."

"What about the Ents?"

"There is no sign of them nearby, but they are surely aware of our intrusion," answered Legolas. "It is only a matter of time before we will have to face them."

They sounded like formidable foes, ones we would not fare well against let alone should be fighting under any circumstance. I hoped that we did not run into Ents while we were already tied by needing to find Merry and Pippin.

Legolas's elvish words and the way he rushed forward caught our attention. We followed after him, curious and cautious of what he had seen. My wariness quelled though upon the familiar scent that reached my nose, one that roused joy and relief in me.

"The White Wizard approaches," mumbled Legolas.

"Do not let him speak. He will put a spell on us," added Aragorn.

"I highly doubt that." Three pairs of curious eyes were on me when the words left my lips. A small, playful smile came to my lips as I continued, "It may be the White Wizard who is approaching but it is not the person you think it is."

"What do you mean, lass?"

"The person behind us," I spoke, meeting Gimli's eyes, "is someone we've missed."

"That is doubtful. We must be quick to apprehend him."

On Aragorn's words, the trio turned quickly with their weapons drawn. I, however, turned slowly, calmly, and only squinted at the bright light that nearly blinded us. With swift moves, the weapons were deflected and the tall, old man I had grown fond of in the short time we had been together straightened up in front of us, his robes a spotless white instead of grey.

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