Chapter 3

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"so what did you find out?"

I asked Rhys the moment we both sat in my carriage facing each other

He gave a mischievous smile before answering

"After digging deeply and going through so much nasty stuff I found something quite interesting my lady. And I'm hoping to get a bit of reward"-rhys

I looked at him with a wry smile and nodded faintly

"Well, I think you deserve it this time since there has been a strange rumor going around about you. I'm betting it's connected to this order I gave you"

"Really? I just know it's worth it whenever you give me orders"-rhys

"You have my word this time, I will do one request from you that is within my capability"I answered

"I found out that the day before the letter from your mother was sent, a secret meeting happened which contains extremely confidential information"-rhys

"I wanna hear everything" I said as he started to tell me the contents of the meeting

"As you may know the neighboring empire by the north has been in countless small feuds with your empire and it intensifies as days passed. Which is why the Emperor of your Empire now wants to put a stop to this before this escalate to a war between the two Empires"-rhys

"And what is this plan the Emperor made?"

"Political marriage, they plan on choosing a future Empress for the neighboring kingdom by the north. Which means the Red Vein Emperor's aim is the imperial crown prince of the neighboring kingdom by the north, not just some random useless prince"-rhys

"As I expected, I'm quite proud on having a cunning Emperor as the leader of the Empire that I live in. So? Did the people on the meeting agree on marrying off their beloved little princess?"(A/N: the beloved little princess here is the only princess of the empire which is around Sirena's age)

"If you wouldn't mind please don't interrupt from now since this is where everything starts to get interesting my lady"-rhys

"Tch. How rude. Fine, add in the details. I'll keep my mouth shut"

"There are three candidates that they were choosing from on which one they would send off for marriage in exchange for peace. First candidate is the only princess of your Red Vein Empire, but after a few discussions they decided on not doing so since the princess has a very weak body and doesn't seem too desirable for a crown prince of an Empire, although the princess of your Empire indeed exceeds many women's beauty, her current appearance can't hold a candle against the two other candidates, also adding the fact that her illness has gotten worse."-rhys

"Moving on to the 2nd candidate, she is Veronica Elle Penalver, she was chosen as a candidate because she is ranked 2nd beauty in the whole Empire among the young generation."-rhys

"I'm sorry, but I have to ask this. So you're telling me that someone is more beautiful than the princess, which is well I can quite agree that young lady Penalver is indeed a beauty that is more beautiful than the princess but why is she just 2nd ranked? I've seen a portrait of hers before and I can say she is the description of beauty"

"She is second because the people of the Empire chose her to be second"-rhys

"Ok, so if her highness the princess is third, and young lady Penalver is second, then who is the first?"

"I can't tell you yet, but one thing is for sure. She is extremely beautiful and she is the real epitome of beauty itself, I've met her a lot of times already"-rhys

I looked at him weirdly

"You look like a starstruck fool talking about her" I teased and he only smirked before continuing telling the things that happened on the meeting

"They didn't choose Veronica Elle Penalver since she already has a fiance, she's also a tad too older than the crown prince and her wedding date is already nearing so they left her out"-rhys

"Then to the next candidate... It is you."-rhys

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