Author's note (Important)

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Hey loves♡, welcome to a new story!

This one's called ELEVEN. And I'm really excited to write it. I hope you're just as excited to read it. With that said, this book will touch upon some sensitive, yet important topics. Thus, this author's note is to give you the tags and let you know the major warnings for this book.

I believe that such issues, no matter how delicate or triggering, must be talked about because awareness can be brought out of this. However, nothing should be done at the cost of the reader's mental health. Hence, if the topics contained in this story are too triggering for you or if you are not ready to read about it yet, please feel free to click away or come back to this book another time.

If you ever need a safe place to talk about any issue you are facing, regarding mental health or otherwise, please do not hesitate to DM me anytime on my twitter account, username- AuthorShr


Hope you enjoy the story! Please comment, like and follow!

Love, Shr♡



~Parental Child Abuse (mostly emotional abuse and manipulation)

~No Parental Sexual abuse


~Mentions of blood and murder

~Mention of homophobia (very little)

~This is a psychological thriller and purely fiction. PLEASE KEEP THAT IN MIND.

~Warnings will be provided in the beginning of chapters with majorly triggering scenes.


That's all loves. Hope you enjoy the story! All interactions are appreciated, so comment, like and follow! Lots of love from yours truly, Shr♡

Here's introducing...



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