Going to war!

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Hunter x Hunter!

What do cows were to war? Cowmooflage!

I looked to see.......

"K-Killua?!" He chuckles at my shocked face.

"What's with that shocked face? This is nothing compared to what you did last night." with that he smirks at my ever reddening face.

"I don't know what I did! You won't tell me!" I tried to push him out of the bed but he just squished me to him. I didn't manage much but I did manage to turn towards him. I eventually got tiered of squirming and decided to form a plan. 'If I could just embarrass him then I could get free! But Killua is a tough cookie to crack! What can I do?........ I got it! It's crazy, so crazy that it just might work.' (Cookies to those who know this reference!) I look up at Killua's eyes with tears pricking the corners of my eyes.

"K-Killua ..... you're squishing me....... it hurts." Killua's grip loosens ever so slightly, However it was just enough for me to have mobility in my arms which I wrap around his neck. He smirks down at my form.

"Done playing hard to get?" I have a light blush dusting my cheeks. 'Oh My God! His hair is so soft! Now that I think about it so was his lips.....wait what am I thinking! Get a hold of yourself! We have a plan to carry out!' Out of embarrassment of my own thoughts I bury my face into his neck.

"S-shut up! If you wont leave then I want to be comfortable!" I swear I could feel him smirk. I breathed in his scent. 'It's sweet. I wonder..... what would he do if I licked him? No! Don't give in to your cow desires for sweets!' I shifted a little closer to him if at all possible.

"warm." I mumble already half asleep and falling deeper feeling his heart beating a rhythmic lullaby and getting drunk off of his scent and warmth. By this time I had no control of my body or mind.

"Killua?" I asked earning a small "hm?" in response. I look up at him and kissed him. After I pulled back I licked my lips.

"As I thought! You taste as sweet as your scent." I smirked at the ever so slight expression of surprise, but that smirk was short lived when I failed to push him off the bed. Now it was his turn to smirk.

"Clever plan, too bad it didn't work." with that he kissed me deeply until my lungs screamed for air. I was panting heavily when he pulled away and a part of me was disappointed that it ended.

"Your plan backfired. I'm not leaving now." He kissed me again. We just cuddled, albeit partly against my will, until we fell asleep.

And that is how I decided that Killua is far from innocent and that war had just been started! He may have won this battle, but the war is far from over!

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