{Chapter 2}

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The Royal Pain

Marine's POV.

Its been 1 month since we moved here in Los Angeles, California and 1 month since i became Friends with Alvin,Simon, Theodore and the Chippets, during that 1 month alot has happened like Alvin teaching Miss Smith Guitar and Simon getting Bullied multiple times by Derek and his minions..

Right now I'm here in the Chippets tree house Ellanore is Sewing, Janette is reading a book, Brittany is doing her nails in Ellanore's Bed while I'm writing some things in my diary on Brittany's bed, we were all peacefully doing our own stuff when Brittany spoke..

"Elly, would you please hand me that hair brush" Brittany asked looking at the hairbrush next to her..

"Ummm.. you mean the one next to you?!" Ellanore said turning around pointing at the hairbrush..

"Still Drying" Brittany said referring to her nails....

"Ugh!" Ellanore exclaimed getting up walking to Brittany and picking up the hair brush next to her "Here you go!!!" She yelled throwing it closer to Brittany... "Would your majesty would like uh? I don't know, a foot rub or a cold beverage perhaps?" She asked sarcastically..

"Eh, Not if your gonna throw it at me" Brittany said pointing at herself still doing her nails .."but i would love some hot tea, uh, thank you" she said looking at Ellanore then back to her nails..

Ellanore sighs "Siriusly" she said before walking down to their kitchen to get Brittany tea..

Meanwhile Janette was going to get something in the drawers when Brittany stopped doing her nails and took the two kiwi's in Ellanore's bed side table and put it on her eyes , she took the magazine she was reading and laid down ...

How is she gonna read with those thing in her eyes? I asked in my mind then went back to writing in my diary..

"Janette sweetie, i hate to ask this, but since I can't see, wou.. would you mind reading this magazine article to me?" Brittany said then moved her hands and continued "I just love how you do all the different voices!" ..

Janette stoped walking and looked at Brittany "Oh, Umm... Okay" she started walking to Brittany "Sure" she said looking bored as she sat down next to her..

Janette took the Magazine in Brittany's hand not sure for what to read her when Brittany spoke..

"And Marine can you foot massage me, since Ellanore is making me tea" she asked me and i just paused and looked at her for a second before getting up..

"Sure thing Britt" i said walking up to her unsure if i should do this, i sat  infront of her and start massaging her foot.. Ugh, i thought..

"TaRaTtE Of FaCe CrEaM tHaT LeAvE's YoUr FaCe Feeling-" Janette said doing a different voice, i hold in my lough because she was reading the add..

"Uh Janette thats the add, you don't need to read that part" Brittany said cutting her off ..

"Oh... Oh,oh okay yeah.." Janette said turning to the next page.. she gasped and said "this is sort of interesting" , i stopped massaging Brittany's foot and sat next to Jennette to see what's she's reading..

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