Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: 

A black cloak covering his shoulders and its hood covering his face, he walked up to the big steel Iron gates with the letter ‘M’ sketched into it and pressed his thumb on the scanner  that was on the wall at the side of the gate for entrance inside. The gate creaked open and he slid through, glancing back to make sure nobody had noted his appearance or what he was doing there.

As he walked along the long path leading up to the front door he saw a small figure in the door way and looked back in the direction that he came from and then jogged up to the figure. He walked through the door and put his hood down.

“Master Blaise what is you doing here? You must not be here. It is dangerous Master. What if Master was seen?” squeaked a terrified looking elf as he walked up to him.

“Don’t worry Winky, I have been very careful on my way here, nobody has seen me and how can it be dangerous?” he said calmly as he looked around the grand entrance and stopped when his sight fell on the stairs leading up in to the manor.

“Is he home?” he turned around to face Winky.

“Yes Master Blaise, Master is home, Master also brought Mistress with him, but he won’t let Winky take care of Mistress, Winky has tried very hard,” the little elf sobbed.

“Don’t worry I’ll talk to him, just make sure no-one tries to enter the house,” and with that he started up the stairs to his unspoken destination.


Draco sat on his father’s chair with that same scroll in his hand. He looked tired from spending long hours awake figuring out what this curse was and how to destroy it. He then heard a knock on his door.

“Come in” he called, rubbing his eyes to keep himself awake.

Winky then entered the room quietly.

“Sorry to disturb you Master Draco, But Winky would like to inform Master that Master has a guest. Master Zabini is here to see you, Master.” Winky informed Draco while looking down on to the floor. The door behind Winky opened wider and in stepped a dark skinned wizard.

“Winky! No formality needed! How many times have I told you to call me Blaise?” questioned Blaise at the elf, all the while looking straight ahead at Draco.

“Sorry Master Blaise” said Winky nodding his head then turned to Draco “Master, Winky has some work to do, Winky will leave Master with Master Blaise, if that is permitted” bowed the elf, waiting for orders to leave.

“You may go,” Draco drawled, looking at Blaise straight on, having his famous Malfoy facade on his face, so that he was not to betray an emotion. Winky then disapperated from the room with a crack!

“Long time, Blaise what brings you here at this time of night. What if you get caught? Has McGonagall gone soft this year? ” questioned Draco, raising his eyebrows ever so eloquently. 

“Cut the crap Malfoy, why are you not in school?”  Replied Blaise, stalking to where Draco was sat.

“I am coming back, just not yet, mothers not well and she needs to be looked after,” he said standing up. “I can’t just leave her here, it’s not safe and you know that.” He had now approached his bed and sat back down. Blaise was still standing.

“I know, you’re right, but I’m sure Winky will look after her and McGonagall will let you meet her on weekends and stuff. She can’t exactly say no.”

He sighed. “I can’t leave her with Winky, and...I don’t know,” he gave up, putting his head in his hands.   

Blaise walked up to him and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and sat beside him. “I know your upset mate, I can’t imagine feeling what you’re going through...but sitting here day and night with those bad memories...thinking about what’s not healthy, it’s not good for you. You need to get out of’ll do you good. You can come back to Hogwarts and see how it’s’s really different now you know.”     

‘I wonder if its changed...they’ll still hate me...she’ll still hate me’

“I don’t think Hogwarts will ever slytherins will always be detested ... it’ll never change Blaise,” he said lifting his head up, staring out of his window into darkness.

Blaise smiled and clapped Draco on the back, “That’s what you think...did you know Potter actually invited me to sit with him at the Three broomsticks the other day, and Weasley didn’t protest when he did...and the fact that for the first time ever there’s this boy band studying there,” he chuckled.

“That’s fantastic!” commented Draco sarcastically. “Oh dear, what is this I hear? Potter inviting slytherin to sit with him? The world must have turned upside down. Anyway how can that be?” he asked shifting his pillow under his head in a more comfortable position.

Blaise then sat down on the chair that Draco previously occupied.

“Like I said, Boy Band at Hogwarts can turn even turn Dumbledore’s head into a gold statue.”

“Quit with the riddles Blaise. Which Boy Band are you on about? And what’s so great about them?”

“Well, don’t interrupt me when I tell you what’s been going on in good old Hogwarts. Well to start off your ever so awaiting question, this boy band is known as One Direction who came to study at Hogwarts. There is Harry Styles, the brunette curly dude and Louis Tomlinson, who is tall, handsome and stripes addict. They both are gay and in Gryffindor. There’s Liam Payne, Ravenclaw, sporty and sharp minded, leader of the gang. Niall Horon, blonde, food lover and placed in Hufflepuff. Lastly Zayn Malik, Slytherin, quiet and mysterious, even I can’t figure him out.”

“Sounds like a bunch of idiots” Draco scoffed. Blaise just laughed.

“Not exactly Draco, they as best buddies almost dare I say brothers, brought together house unity, and a beauty.” Blaise had a dreamy expression on his face on his last comment. Draco had to snap his fingers to get Blaise awake.

“Who’s this beauty you talk about?” he asked confused.

“Oh, her name is Samantha, bit tom boyish, so she is known as Sam. She caught my heart ever since I laid my eyes on her. She’s Zayn’s best mate, they’re like brothers and sisters. And a Hufflepuff though she doesn’t seems like it, more of a Gryffindor with what she’s like...or maybe even Slytherin.”

“I see, how is... How’s...” Draco couldn’t explain but Blaise knew what he was on about.

“Sorry man, she’s good. Tough I do catch her looking around the slytherin table a lot, then looking away with confusion. Oh I might want to add that there is a welcoming ball coming up soon, Niall, the blonde Hufflepuff asked her to the ball and she said yes.”

Draco looked straight into Blaise eyes with shocked with fear. Blaise, who knew Draco like the back of his hand, and understood what he was going through, he looked at Draco apologetically.

“Draco, I’d do whatever I’m stuck with now fast, you should or you’ll lose her. You know it so don’t think she will wait for long. She revealed herself to you in the battle, don’t let that haunt her and make her run away from you. I must be going. It’s late.” Blaise stood up from the chair and made to leave.

“Just...just make sure she doesn’t get too friendly with Horon. I’ll be back next month. On Halloween’s night, owl me till then.” Draco declared, and then with a wave of his hand, Winky appeared in the room.

“Master asked for Winky, Master?”

“Escort Blaise out, Winky,” Draco commanded Winky, and then looked at his best friend. “Thank you Blaise for visiting, I owe you one” Draco smiled at him.

Blaise returned his gesture, smiling.

“You will do. I hope to see you again soon, and it’s all to help out my best friend.” With one last smile Blaise exited the room with Winky.

**Thanks so much with putting up with me guys!

I know im a bad updater and such, but please Vote and Review my story!! Thanks so much!!

Oh Dramione Love soon! Keep still, Its all 1D atm!! 

Much Love - Saira!! 

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