Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

"Why do they take so long?" wondered Ron.

"Well they are girls, I mean once they start they can't stop," said Harry.

"Yeah but they have Sam with them so I thought she would have dragged the others back here by now, don't you think guys?" spoke Zayn as he turned to face his group.

"Well Zayn, maybe you need to get your facts straight, I actually happen to love shopping."

They all turned around to see Sam with her hands on her hips, pouting and two other girls behind her trying to keep their laughter in.

There was a moment of silence as the famous Boy Band shared looks.

"Ahhahahahahahahaha," laughed Zayn bending over and clutching his stomach. " barmy." The others around him just burst out laughing with him. Sam huffed and muttered something that sounded like 'imbecile' and took a seat next to Hazza. Hermione sat next to Niall and Ginny sat next to Harry.

As they all settled down and the landlady, Madam Rosmerta came towards their table with a big smile that showed her bright pearly white teeth.

"Hello students how are you all on this fine day?" she asked looking around at the table squashed with new faces she hasn't seen before.

"Hey Rosmerta, Were all fine thanks, a round of butter beer for all of us!" replied Harry beaming up at the bar tender.

"All right, Butter beer for all. If that is all, I must tend to the others, Good Day!" Rosmerta waved to them and went to order the beers requested.

As soon as she left, the young adults around the table started chatting with one another about mindless things. Zayn looked up from his conversation with Blaise and Liam and looked across at Sam. Thinking it would make his day complete he started at his evil plan of what he thought was amusing and embarrassing.

"Hey Blaise, going to the ball with anyone yet?" he asked glancing at Sam before returning his gaze towards Blaise with a smirk on his face.

Blaise instantly looked up to see that everyone had stopped talking. Not being able to handle all their nosey glares and tormenting silence he looked sharply at Zayn and clenched his teeth.

"Not yet, BUT, I DO have someone in mind" he commented emphasising on his words, looking around at all of them but his glance at Sam remained for a second longer.

"Do we know who this person is," Zayn teased further, resting his chin upon his hand.

"Yeah you do know who she is; as a matter of fact she is sat here on this very table," he said not knowing one bit where he was taking this conversation himself, but lucky for him Hazza stopped the conversation there.

Just then Madame Rosmerta arrived with their drinks, "Here you are dear's...enjoy," she said as she sat the drinks on the table. After thankful comments and gestures, they reached towards their drinks and slurped them down happily as the hot drinks warmed their insides. Even though it was the beginning of September the air around them was still chilly.

"I wouldn't go anywhere else for a butter beer," said Ron gazing at his cup lovingly.

"Oh don't look now but here comes the looniest person we know," laughed Blaise bringing his cup towards his lips.

"That's not very nice Blaise...Hi Luna," said Sam as Luna walked to their table.

"Hello everyone," she greeted. "Mind if I join you?" She asked with her most dreamy expression.

"Sure take a seat right next to...Zayn," said Sam looking around finding a seat for her to sit in. There were many seats but she thought she could annoy Zayn the most by making him sit next to Luna, it was quiet mean but that was Sam, she would get back at anyone who made her look bad.

"Sure I don't mind...sit right here...Luna," smiled Zayn as he stood to guide Luna into her seat.

"Why thank you, you are such a gentleman," she smiled back.

"A drink for the lovely lady," he shouted towards the bar. Madame Rosmerta winked back at him. "Coming right up!"

"So, did you guys get what you needed?" asked Hermione looking around.

"Umm... yeah we got some robes, but I don't do robes I'm much more comfortable in jeans and a top, stripy I think...I love stripes," said Louis looking at his clothes.

"Did you girls find everything you need...I don't want to come back here later because you've forgotten something," said Ron looking almost disgusted at the fact that he would have to go girl shopping when he would much rather be asleep or eating.

"Yes Ronald dear we have everything we need," Ginny rolled her eyes at him and snuggled further into Harry.

"Shall we head back now guys?" Hermione asked when they all drank their butter beer, and got a reply of nodded heads in return.

They all got up and exited the three broomsticks in pairs or threes. Hermione lingered behind to pay off the bill for everyone. As she walked out the door, she saw a glimmer of blonde hair. She stopped and looked around finding nothing, all while her heart racing fast, beating against her chest loudly, she thought it may just beat out of her lungs and rip through her skin.

'No, it can't be. He's dead, I...I saw him die! Please let it be him, oh Merlin what am I saying! But even if he is alive, what in Godric is he doing here! Oh, Hermione stop thinking too much!" she scolded at herself, walking briskly back towards Hogwarts.

The walk back did nothing to stop Hermione fearing whether he was around her somewhere or not. She needed to get her mind off him. So she went in to the great hall to distract herself with the only way she knows how.

"Hi, Niall, want to start the patrol with me, since your temp head boy and it's also part of the responsibilities we have to complete?" She asked smiling at Niall.

Niall looked up when Hermione walked towards him and asked him to go with her on patrol all while smiling at him who made his heart leap.

"Sure, I'd love to" He replied and got up, grabbing his bag and winged it across his shoulder. "After you my Lady" Niall leapt up from his seat and swung his arm out towards the door to lead Hermione out the hall.

"Thanks Niall, you really are the sweetest!" exclaimed Hermione, walking beside Niall on the first corridor leading towards the stairs.

Both heads walked silently beside each other enjoying the peace that surrounded them. As they patrolled the last corridor, which was on the seventh floor, Niall stopped and looked at Hermione. Hermione sensing that Niall stopped turned to look at him as she was confused to why he stopped.

"Anything wrong Niall?" Hermione asked looking at Niall carefully, figuring out his emotions.

"Nope, well... actually yeah, I have no date to the prom and I, I was wondering if youwouldliketobemydate," he scratched the back of his neck and rushed out his words so fast that Hermione almost never saw them coming.

"Oh Niall, I'd love to!" she beamed at him, tipping up on her toes; she leaned in and gave Niall a kiss on his cheeks, who was now as bright as a plum tomato.

Hermione saw Niall blush bright red and gave a small giggle, blushing slightly herself.

"Come on, back to the hall we go," Hermione said looking happy and cheerful at Niall's big smile that he sent her and dragged an enthusiastic Niall back to the Great hall.

'I actually really love Hogwarts...things could never be better...and I could die a very happy man right now!' thought Niall, as he walked behind Hermione with his hands in his pockets and a winners grin on his adorably cute face.

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Until Next Time!

~Saira Malfoy and Raeesa Granger

More Than This {DramioneXOneDirection} - On holdOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora