Time To Try

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It has been about three days since george was accepted to be a training guard, The 19th of November, and he has never been as happy.

During the three days he had reread the letter about seventeen times and wrote about three pages full of notes of things about it.
George currently sits at a desk of the shared dorm room: him, Alex and another boy called Karl lives in.
Alex is out doing some work, where as no one knows where Karl goes to - he wasn't even admitted to be a butler nor does he come from

He slouches in the metal chair, drumming the feather quill on the oak desk as he tries to find how to explain the last couple of weeks in a simple form.

Dear Family,
These past weeks have been very adventurous to say the least.
Im sorry for not writing to you sooner,

I hope you are all well, have you guys managed to fix the fence yet?

He didn't know how to finish the rest of the letter, the ink on the page had already dried from how long he had been stalling.

George though about each of the days he had been going around and cleaning things to trying to preparing food for the king and his mysterious son.

I think I have managed a way to solve all our issues, over the weeks I have been gifted a large sum of money and I'm sending it all back to you guys.
And I have a marvelous story to tell you all!

About three days ago I had left to the outer ring with two other males, Named Tom and Toby, to deliver goods to the training.
Along the way of our travel we where ambushed and the horses had ran away with our only sense of cover and Toby unconscious in the back of the cart.

It's still a bit of a blur to me, but Me and Tom had managed to fend of most of the bandents, I had forced Tom to leave me for dead after I was shot in my leg: but Toby had gotten the nearby guards to come to our rescue.

Long story to short, Tom had been Prince Tom visiting with his brother Wilbur.
And thanks to me saving them, I've been allowed a place in the training guards!

I still can't believe it's all real, but it is!

Wishing the family well, see you
in a couple of years.


He rushed his writing, trying to get as much information as he could on the small piece of paper.
It was hard, but he managed to with not alot of the ink smudging.

George double checked the letter, dubbing it as okay to send off and folded it up neatly before placing it inside of a brown envelope. It wasn't as fancy as the ones King Phill had used, but it was good enough.

He scribbled his home address onto the corner of the envelope and his family name in the centre. He sighed, unsure of what else to do.

His real training begins tomorrow, and he doesn't know how to feel.

(Can I time skip to the next day?
If not I just need to this once-)

"Hurry up man!" Tommy's smug voice yelled, "I'm not training with no wussies!"

The training team had been up for hours on end, trying to mentally prepare themselves for how to act and speak. In the end it only caused the boys to be completely exhausted.
The five sat in the said to be meeting area, an abandoned training ground for the Prince Crew.

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