Part 5

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I am just now waking up it is 9:30 AM and I smile remembering my amazing date with the girls last night as smile sitting up and rub my eyes. I then reach over and grab my phone off my nightstand and take it off the charger, I turn it on seeing all these text messages from an unknown number. I open it confused by it and it's the same one from last time. 

Bold is unknown number, italic you.

Hey baby girl you know you are so cute when you sleep.

*inters picture of you sleeping

                                                                                               Who the hell are you?! Why were you watching me sleep you're creepy. You're a fucking psycho path you know that right. 

Because you are my soulmate, you're fucking mine!!!

                                                                                                  I'm blocking you

oh baby good luck with that I have so many phone numbers I can text and call you from, also you're closer to me than you think remember last night. You will be surprised when you find out who I am. I'll give you a hint green eyes, Black hair...

                    read 9:45 am                                                                          

As I read the last message I figure out it's LAUREN!!!!! WTF!!!! 

I get out of bed and I start crying how could I be so stupid she is the one that's been stalking me I noticed my clothes have gone missing. I'm never talking to those girls again it makes sense now... they are always so possessive over me. I grab my phone and block the girls on everything. I start packing my stuff i'm going to my summer home in California they will never find me there's no way. After I pack all my stuff I go to my car and I quickly drive to the airport. I buy my ticket and have an hour wait I go to the bathroom really quick and when I walk in I go to the sink to fix my makeup when I get there the door slams shut ad locks I feel someone behind me there front on my back hand on my waist. I turn around and see Lauren inches away from me. She pins me onto the sink and slaps me so hard. I hold my cheek and a tear falls down it that hurt so bad. Then I look and see the other girls glaring at me arms crossed over their chest. "WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING!!!??" Lauren yells. "Leaving you y'all are fucking crazy!" I yell back and she chokes me she the squeezes harder until I eventually pass out. 

I wake up in a cold basement on concrete floor a mattress, dog bowl with water in it, a collar around my neck, I yell and scream for help but soon I realize it's useless. I look around looking for a window and find one. I walk to it and I see a big rock by my foot I continuously throw the rock at the window and eventually it breaks. I climb out and I do have a few cuts from the glass but I ignore it I run fast into the woods. I climb a high tree and look around. Thank god there are a lot of leaves I can hide in. I look down seeing a drive way to that house I was just in seeing the girls cars they are home. I then hear yelling and look and see the girls running around the woods looking for me. I make it for at least an hour and a half but then to my luck I sneeze and of course the craziest one of all Lauren was under the tree i'm in. She looks up not seeing me at first but the she starts climbing the tree. She then reaches me and realize it's me and she grabs me harshly first slapping me so fucking hard then climbs down with me. When we get down she picks me up taking me inside I notice Dinah covered the window and is pouring concrete on it so there is no way i'll be able to escape. They throw me on the floor and after an hour of them beating me they finally go upstairs and I cry myself to sleep. 

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