Part 14

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I'm out of little space I am in the Aiden's room we were playing games. "Y/N can I talk about something" Aiden asked I nod looking at him "we need to leave this place I know you love them but they kidnapped you they hurt you if you even give a wrong look or say a wrong word they hit you you don't deserve to be treated like this you need to get over this. We need to leave." He says I cry and I at first was against it but he is right they are really controlling they control what I say, eat, think, breath, watch. He's right. Later that night I ask to sleep alone again I packed my stuff Aiden and I meet up the girls turned off their alarms they got used to me loving them not leaving we snuck out the door and I took the spare key locking it again as if we never opened it. Aiden grabs my hand as we run climbing over the fence. We run and find a cab. The man takes us to Aiden's old house .

It's been a few weeks out of the girls house I miss them I made such a mistake. "Aiden I miss them" I say starting to cry he hugs me letting me cry in his shoulder. "Honey you're safe now" he says . He turns on a movie and we watch Disney movies trying to calm down. "Aiden?" I ask he hums "will they come looking for me?" I ask and he shrugs. "They love you im sure they are but you have to remember how they hurt you they manipulated you" he replied I shake my head looking at my arm seeing a bruise going away from when Lauren hit me after breaking the lamp.

Later this night we were going to sleep we hear yelling outside Aiden gets up and looks out the window his eyes widening "get down" he says I hide under the bed and he got a gun out walking away. "It's them" he says and I get up looking out the window I connect eyes with Lauren she glares and walks away. I get back and under the bed soon I hear a scream outside a few minutes later I hear someone walk in the room walking around I assume it's Aiden I wait for him to tell me I can get up. Then someone pulls me out by my feet I look up seeing Lauren. She looks mad but she hugs me. "I'm punishing you later but let me love you for now princess. " Lauren says and kisses me. She then picks me up carrying me outside the girls all surrounded me hugging me. I cry of happiness but also sadness Aiden was right they hurt me but also as long as I'm good they love me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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