Back to the hospital

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Time: 2:10 AM

Corey's POV: I was trying to keep up with Yumi and Jin, my vision was black and white and sometimes I would see flashes of the creature that caught me, I had a painful splitting headache I felt like I was going to die.

Eventually we get to the hospital and I ask Jin and Yumi, "hey guys, can I stay here and wait outside?" They stop and look at me and Yumi answer my question.

She says "yeah, you wait here and get rest while we're finding Kurt." Jin nods in agreement and I sit against the wall and I'm next to the door.

I watch the two go inside, I look at the three tapes I found and I played the first one from the College

*Tape 1* "As usual, crowded places attract unwanted visitors."

My eyes widen after the first tape, I started to connect the dots and it connects back to the Varosha Campsite, there was a lot of people there which probably attracted the Creatures but I start to stop thinking about it because the Creatures go for people who are alone too, after thinking to myself for a few seconds I play the second tape.

*Tape 2* "You never learn what real life is during college. These poor kids had to know it way too early."

I get confused about that because I don't fully understand what he means, I play the third tape a couple seconds later.

*Tape 3* "Don't stare at them, just run! The light won't affect them forever!"

We already knew about that because we've encountered them before. I put the tapes away and I fall asleep while waiting for Jin and Yumi to come back with Kurt.

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