-☆𝗔 𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿☆-

403 14 12

★·.·´¯'·.·★ . ★·.·´¯'·.·★

When Hajime and Nagito had finally, and reluctantly, pulled themselves from bed and to Costco, they had to wait outside the stores door because they were locked for the night. However, it didn't take long before Ryota came running over and unlocking the doors to let the other two inside.

"Ah! You're here! I'm sorry– it's just – I'll show you." He grabbed both Hajime's and Nagito's wrists and began to lead them over to nearby the food court. And the thing that stood out most was out water was everywhere and it seeming to be coming from the kitchen behind the counter.

"What the hell happened??" Hajime immediately asked, taking a few steps back when he realized he was standing in water. "A busted pipe?!"

"I think so, but I can't, well, I can't turn the water off. I need help!" Ryota looked so drain, and worst than usual. He was definitely stressing over this. Well no surprise. Nobody was here besides him. And it wasn't like Ryota knew what to do in this situation besides call his colleagues and get some help.

"I guess most plumbers wouldn't be able to come this late.." Nagito added thoughtfully, earning Ryota's attention.

"I-I tried calling anyway.. But nobody picked up..." then he grabbed the sides of his head. "I just–"

Hajime quickly put a hand on Ryota's shoulders. "Hey, don't worry. Nagi– Komaeda and I will help. Let's go try turning off the water together." Hajime decided, gesturing they follow him back behind the counter, through the water that was spreading quickly.

That seemed to calm down the brown-headed male and he nodded a meek nod back in return. And after he calmed down a bit, Ryota was able to lead the two to a room in the very back, where the water was coming from. Inside the room were pipes where one could check the pressure and or turn the water off or on. There was in fact, one large pipe that had an opening as if one or two of the screws had become loose. Of course it would be too difficult to screw them back in with the water bursting out of the crack like a waterfall, so Hajime suggested they all work together to turn the valve and turn the water off first.

"Okay. Count of three, we turn the valve!" Hajime directed, earning a simultaneous nod from the others.

"One... Two... Three–" and they all tried their best to turn it, but there just wasn't enough room for all three guys to be huddled around the table and turn it. So Hajime, the strongest physically of the three, tried, and even he could barely make it budge.

"Damn it .. !" Hajime murmured, taking a step back and wiping his brow. "Hey, Mitarai, do we have any tools we could—"


Hajime was cut off by a sudden rush of water spraying out from the already created crack in the pipe. He was soaked now thanks to that. Slowly his eyes gazed to to see Nagito standing by the crack, but of course he was dry.

".  .  ."

"Oh darn it. That's pretty unfortunate. . ." Nagito sighed under his breath, his eyes curiously looking over the breaking apart pipe that now just looked worst.


"Yes Hinata-kun?"

"Why don't you... go find something we can use to turn the valve..." Hajime spoke very slowly, trying to control himself because he didn't want to take his annoyance out on Nagito doing something he didn't have any control over.




Another gush of water sprayed Hajime right in the face, and the force caused him to get pushed onto the floor.

And just then Ryota came back, holding a can of oil.

"Guys! I found this we can use–" he paused and noticed Hajime laying on the floor, just letting the water fall on his face as he had just.... given up.

"Hinata-kun ? You're gonna drown!" Ryota exclaimed, staring in horror at the other underwater, because the water level had risen enough if one was to lay down, they would be submerged.

"Silly Hajime," Nagito chuckled, crouching down and as he tried to help Hajime sit up. "Come on now.." he tugged on Hajime's arm, but the other just layed there wearing a deadpanned expression on his face underwater, while Ryota hurried to use the oil on the valve, and luckily that's all it took, and he was actually able to turn it afterwards.

★·.·´¯'·.·★ . ★·.·´¯'·.·★

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