-☆𝗗𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗧𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗗𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀☆-

370 14 24

★·.·´¯'·.·★ . ★·.·´¯'·.·★

Being inside a Costco after hours.. it was scary. There was no light, no windows, and when the store closed, the front doors were covered by metal sheets, not allowing in a drop of light.

So when Hajime and Hajime were stuck in pitch black darkness, they were speechless for a moment.

"Doesn't it seem like a horror movie, Hajime?" Nagito finally asked, feeling Hajime squeeze their intertwined hands a bit tighter.

"J-Jeez Nagito ! Don't say stuff like that!" He scolded, too prideful to admit he was.. a bit nervous in the gigantic store in the dark. But felt a bit safter when he turned his phone's flashlight mode on, and they had a bit of a sense where they were going. Better than walking around aimlessly in the dark.

"Did Mioda-san say where they would be at?" mentioned the white-headed male, trying to see further into the darkness around them, but the light could only shine so far, and wasn't too useful in such a large and dark area.

"No.. she didn't," Hajime sighed, wishing he had gotten more details about doing this before he agreed to do it. Seriously. This whole idea was stupid. He would much rather be at home with his boyfriend asleep.

"Hey Hajime," Nagito tugged Hajime's hand a bit, making him turn around.

"What is –" but before he could even finished his sentence, Nagito had pressed his lips onto his, making Hajime freeze out of surprise. Wait, what the hell was Nagito doing—

"N-Nagito!? W-What are you—" he got cut off again, this time Nagito ended up pressing against him, and Hajime felt himself falling down against something. By the cool smooth texture of it, it was one of the food court tables.

"Hajime, you looked kinda scared in the dark, so I just wanted to help," was Nagito's innocent reasoning as his hand began to slide up Hajime's shirt, earning a shudder from the latter, who began to squirm and lightly pant underneath the taller.

"N-Not here– W-wait a second — ah~" by accident Hajime moaned as Nagito's bony fingers began trace circles around a... very sensitive spot on his torso.

"W-we promised not to do this k-kinda stuff at work a-anymore–" Hajime hissed through his teeth, and though it was impossible to tell in the dark, he was blushing fifty shades of red. "R-remember what happened last time back at W-Walmart..?!"

Nagito laughed a bit, crawling up on the table as he sat on the others waist.

"That's why I'm toning it down. It's not as bad as last time," he pointed out, leaning down over Hajime and grazing his tongue up his neck before sucking on it. He pulled back, his breaths hitting the others skin. "So let me pleasure you a bit? You like doing it too, in public Hajime~" the other whispered darkly in Hajime's ear, which he bit.

Hajime now was starting to become a trembling mess. He started to feel his body act up too. God, this was becoming unbearable. They were supposed to be meeting up with their friends, but now Hajime was horny and hard and it was taking everything he had to not give into this moment. They should be looking for the others now. And luckily Hajime phone began to rang, snapping him out of the fuzzy mindset Nagito was putting him in. Gently pushing Nagito away a bit so he could answer the phone, Hajime cleared his throat a few times.

"H-Hey. A-ahem.. Hey Mioda-san.. We didn't know where you guys were at and kinda got –" he smacked Nagito's hand out of his pants. "– l-lost." Hajime listened as Ibuki impatiently explained everyone was on aisle nine and to hurry up.

"You heard them. They're waiting for us," Hajime said, getting back up onto his feet after Nagito sadly got off looking disappointed.

Hajime looked at him after shining the flashlight back up. He noticed the expression and sighed. He pulled Nagito down by the collar, pressing a kiss on his lips.

"We... can finish when we get home," he muttered, averting eye-contact before he let go of Nagito's shirt and began walking towards the destination Ibuki told them to go to.

Nagito paused. Even he smiled and ran over to catch up, trying to hold Hajime's hand before feeling the other grasp try and wiggle away.

"You.. don't want to hold my hand?" Nagito asked quietly, without fighting back, he let go. "Heh.. it's fine if you don't want to." To be fair, he wouldn't want to hold his hand, either, so he didn't blame his boyfriend.

"N-no! I mean–" Hajime quickly and stubbornly took Nagito's hand without a word as he pretended he didnt look embarrassed. "It's not like anyone will see us in the dark.." he mumbled,  leading the way to aisle nine while Nagito gladly held his lovers hand, unknowing how easily it was for Hajime to give in when it came to him.

★·.·´¯'·.·★ . ★·.·´¯'·.·★

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