-☆𝗗𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗙𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗠𝗲☆-

273 9 20

★·.·´¯'·.·★ . ★·.·´¯'·.·★

Watching as Nagito clung to dear life to the very top of the Costco shelf was either nerve-wracking or confusing. For Hajime, it wasn't neither. It was just another day dealing and working beside with Nagito Komaeda.

"Komaeda-kun. What are you doing up there?" Hajime calmly asked, his arms by his sides and his expression deadpanned. He acted as if he had dealt with Nagito in this sort of troubling manner often . Which was true. But the good thing about that, is that Hajime was used to dealing with things like this. Just too used to it by now.

"Hehe.. funny story actually.." Nagito slowly began, an awkward, yet a nervous, very nervous chuckle in his words as he tried to stay calm, but looked a bit scared he could slip and fall down. It wasn't as if he could climb up to the top of the shelf where it was flat and he didn't have such a high chance at slipping, because there were large boxes in his way, and so, Nagito clung to the side of the shelf like a koala. A koala trying to not fall off its tree and break its neck.

"What the hell is going on over there?" A woman asked her husband as they walked past, seeing Nagito clinging to the side of the shelf around 6 meters in height.

"I don't know. Best to ignore it.." the husband replied, shaking his head.

Hajime groaned. Great. Now everyone was staring at them. How embarrassing.

"Komaeda! Get down!" Hajime hissed, trying to raise his voice just enough Nagito would hear.

"B-But I don't think I can, Hinata-kun –" Nagito protesting with a frown , a drop of sweat rolling down hisforehead, but he was cut off when the ground began to shake. He clung tighter onto the shelf, but the ground shook more and more.


"What's going on?!"

"Is it an earthquake?!"

While it was true earthquakes or small tremors weren't that uncommon where they lived, the fact that the random and very violet earthquake began to shake everything, and causing those very tall and very heavy shelves to lean back and forth, making Hajime feel small, and also nauseous, was something that not many would want to see.

Hajime, however, froze in place. Damn it! Why couldn't he move!? He was too scared. Just paralyzed as his brain temporally turned off. But his eyes went wide as saucers when the shelf Nagito was on, began to shake back and forth, and the large boxes and crate began to slip... heading right down for Hajime.

"C-crap–" he barely jumped out of the way and out of danger of the large boxes that began to crash onto the floor, which could've crushed Hajime into nothing but a meat streak on the floor if he didn't manage to move his jello-feeling legs in time.

The boxes fells, and some burst open. The shelf wobbled, and Nagito couldn't hold on much longer. It wasn't like he was quite strong to begin with.

Great. He was going to die, wasn't he? He wished he could've told Hajime one last time how much he loved him. Ah, but maybe this lame way of dying was enough for trashy, worthless nobody like Nagito–

But before Nagito could continue his negative self-talk, his breath hitched, his eyes went wide as he lost grip on the shelf, and he fell.

The earthquake stopped just as suddenly as it started. And as soon as Hajime processed that and stumbled to his feet, he ran back to the aisle, trying to find where Nagito had gone.

"Nagito! Nagito!" Hajime suddenly was shouting, searching past the boxes, actually trying to look underneath them as if Nagito was smashed underneath one of them. "Where are you?!" He seemed panicked. He was. Hajime ran a hand through his hair, feeling tears begin to prick the corner of his eyes. Oh God. This couldn't be happening..

"D-Dammit.. Nagito–"


Hajime froze. He turned around, and in one of the boxes that had fallen on the floor had busted open, and inside were pillows, which is where Nagito had fallen into. His arm reaching upwards, poking out of the box as he waved his hand, trying to get the others attention.

"Nagito..?" Hajime asked quietly, speaking over into the box. Inside, no doubt now, was indeed Nagito laying on a pile of pillows in a large box. He smiled up at the other.

"That was scary... I thought I was gonna die.." he said, seeming normal as if nothing scary ever happened.

Meanwhile Hajime stared, his jaw had dropped, and the tears stopped, but Nagito hadn't even noticed the look on his face as he was too busy talking, while Hajime was still red in the face and teary-eyed. He had a panic attack, heart attack, and any other attack you can think of, but this guy in the box was laughing it off as if it wasn't a big deal.

"But, hey, I guess I was lucky– huh, Hajime? Ah! What are you doing..?" He asked nervously, wondering why Hajime was closing back up the box he was in. "W-wait–"

Hajime was totally ignoring Nagito's protests and panic. The sound of duct tape being ripped and the box being sealed was heard.

"Hajime! I'm still in here!!" Nagito cried, hitting the box, his words muffled as Hajime walked away, informing Nekumaru and Akane that Nagito's box could go back up on the
shelf first.

★·.·´¯'·.·★ . ★·.·´¯'·.·★

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