-☆𝗦𝗲𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗜𝗻 𝗖𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗰𝗼☆-

322 17 27

★·.·´¯'·.·★ . ★·.·´¯'·.·★

When Hajime and Nagito found the others, their co-workers were all sitting in a circle on the floor; Sonia, Gundham, Kazuichi, Ibuki, and even a sleeping Chiaki who was snoozing on Ibuki's shoulder. In the middle of all of them, was a strange array of candles surrounding an ouiji board.

"Hello!" greeted Sonia, whom was dressed in the most oddest, most terrifying witch costume Hajime had ever seen.

"H-hey. You got dresses up, huh," he mentioned, glancing at her pointy hat which had shrunken heads and stuffed bats dangling off the sides.

"Oh do you like it!?" She asked hopefully, clasping her hands together. "I researched all about these sort of things before coming here, and wanted to dress to fit the occasion. I don't look overdressed, do I?" She asked out loud, holding up the black dress she was wearing that had holes, tears and lace all over it.

"Not at all. You look really cool —" Hajime was saying before he got cut off when Kazuichi began complaining.

"Ah! Jesus Christ! Did you have to invite him !?" The pink-headed male pointed a shakey finger at Nagito whom blinked innocently as he stood there. "Why would you being the guy known for bad luck to a freakin' seance !?"

"That's not very fair, Souda-kun. I was known as the Ultimate Lucky student back in high school," Nagito corrected, not at all offended as he tugged Hajime's sleeve and gestured they both sit down together with the others, to which they did; Nagito sat between Hajime and Kazuichi(who shifted away a bit) and Hajime sat between Nagito and Ibuki.

"Yeah well it wasn't very lucky for me when I  got ran over by that truck that one time!"

"You always mention that, but I have no idea what you're talking about," shrugged Komaeda, seeming genuinely confused to Kazuichi's distress.

"Well," Kazuichi crossed his arms and glared to the side. "Whenever you're around, my day always goes south.." he muttered with a sigh. Then Sonia spoke up.

"Well since all our dear friends are here, can we please oh please start the seance, Mioda-san?" She asked eagerly, seeming very excited.

"Of course ! Let's get the fun started everyone!!!" Ibuki announced, her voice rang loud in the large empty store. She grabbed a set of two dice. "Ibuki says let's roll and see who had to use the board first!"

And so, everyone rolled, and to everyone's surprise, Nagito got picked to use the board first, to Sonia's slight disappointment and Kazuichi's horror.

"Shit! Oh crap! Oh crap! He's gonna summon a ghost or somethin' for sure!" Kazuichi exclaimed in terror, hiding behind Sonia, who looked very thrilled at the possibility of Nagito summoning something demonic.

"Tanaka-kun! Do you think we'll really see a ghost or demon!?" Sonia asked, her eyes sparkling with hope, to which Gundham only causally chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest. "I doubt the likelyhood of a spirit daring to come out thanks to my menacing presence. However, I, Gundham Tanaka, The Forbiddon One, will keep a spell over you princess to protect you from any foolish demons who may thinks they can harm you by my side." Gundham promised. Kazuichi rolled his eyes with a groan.

"Anyway, why don't we start?" Nagito suggested, reaching over and pressing his hand on the pusher piece of the board as he began to push it around, spelling something without hesitation, but paused for a second every now and again before continuing. Sure, this was just a silly game, but he wanted to take it seriously. After all, everyone else was. And who was Nagito to ruin the mood?

Nagito carefully began to spell something on the ouiji board; just a simple greeting was fine. Nagito did hear from somewhere it was important to greet a spirit when playing these sort of games. Not that he neccesarily believed in the paranormal, but best to just go along with it for now.

' H - E - L - L - O '

Hajime furrowed his brows as he watched his boyfriend patiently wait for the board to push the little piece around to reply back.

"Guys! Seriously! Why is Komaeda doing this?!" Kazuichi hissed through his teeth, still complaining even now as he was shaking.

But before Hajime could tell Kazuichi to be quiet so they could pay attention, the piece under Nagito's fingertips began to move and slowly start to spell out an answer—

' B – E - H - I - N - D '

"B-behind ?" Kazuichi stammered, now sweating; Chiaki was still snoring softly, but everyone else was paying very close attention as the board continued to spell something.

' Y - O - U '

"You...?" Hajime repeated under his breath. Though, it was clear to everyone what the board spelt out.

' Behind You '

Now everyone was at the edge of their seats, holding their breath, all pale as a ghost as the board actually did what most in the room assumed the impossible (except Chiaki because she was still asleep). However, then a voice came out of nowhere, making everyone jump, and Ibuki actually let out a scream and bumped into the game board, knocking it over.

"And what are you all doing here?"

All it took was that question to cause screams, gasps, freezing up, and a sense of dread as a blade glinted in the darkness as it got closer to the light of the candles. And it was pointed at the group of employees as the footsteps got louder and louder..

"Is this really what you've been up to while I was away?"

Kyosuke Munakata asked, holding up his usual katana up at his workers as he stood there, waiting for answers to why Hajime and the others were summoning ghosts in his Costco in the middle of the night.

★·.·´¯'·.·★ . ★·.·´¯'·.·★

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