Chloe Chops

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P.S. sorry in advance for how dramatic this story is.

Hi! My name is Chloe and I am the hottest girl at Thomas Jefferson  University.
Or at least I was, until Annibelle Jackson or whatever, came and took over. She might get good grades and stuff, but she isn't even that cute! In fact I am pretty sure that she cheats on tests.
Plus she is one of the ugliest blondes that I have ever seen, not to mention that she seems to be getting fatter and fatter lately. But, that doesn't seem to stop all the guys from asking her out like, every day! Its soooo unfair! And what makes it even worse is the fact that she turns every single one of them down. Using the same lame excuse of 'I have a boyfriend' every time. But nobody believes her because, she makes him sound half god. And nobody like that, would date Annitrash on their life!

I was just thinking of ways to get ride of Annitrash from this school, in I think math class, when the principal suddenly called everyone down to the  auditorium for the monthly assembly. I grabbed my stuff and headed down.

~Time skip brought to you by Bob says Hello~

The assembly on responsibility or whatever, was almost over, and my nails were almost dry, when the principal made an interesting announcement, and called Annitrash up to the stage. I was on the edge of my seat by then, because I was sure she was going to get chewed out in front of the whole school about cheating or something.
She seemed kinda confused and uncomfortable. When the principal suddenly waved to the curtain behind him, and then turned back to Annitrash.
He said in the microphone, " Now Annabeth, I hear from unknown sources that you have a boyfriend in the army?"

That made everyone gasp, and the auditorium went silent. Annabeth now only looked slightly uncomfortable, going onto angry. And she was about to retort back at him when my future boyfriend suddenly walked onto stage. It was freaking Percy Jackson! The youngest, gold, Olympic medalist since ever! I started to adjust my makeup and hair, and saw all the other girls doing the same.

Except for Annitrash. I was close enough to the stage to hear and see everthing, so I just watched as she just stood there with shock and disbelief written all over her face as  the hottie himself quietly said, "I'm home Wise Girl." And opened his arms wide. I started to get up from my seat because he was obviously gesturing to me, when Annitrash suddenly rushed forward and jumped into his arms.

Then she looked up and said "I missed you Seaweed Brain."

Before kissing him full on the lips. I watched, thinking that he was going to push her to the ground for that. But instead he melted into the kiss and pulled his arms around her waist tighter. I was furious! What was she doing kissing my future husband! So, I jumped up from my seat and ran up onto the stage, before pushing Annitrash down to the ground with an audible crack, and kissed Percy full on the lips. I thought that he would melt into the kiss and forget about little miss genius, but instead he pushed me away and ran over to Annabeth who was knocked out cold.

I just stood there in shock and exclaimed, outraged. "What are you doing Percy! I am your girlfriend! Why do you care about little miss ugly! I am waaaay prettier than her!"

Then the auditorium gasped and started to glare at me, like I had done something wrong! Percy just ignored me, and pulled a weird looking phone out of his pocket to call someone.

I could only hear snippets of words like "Mrs. Olery", and "need ambrosia". When a giant dog  and an emo freak, came out of nowhere! The emo boy quickly picked up Annitrash with surprising strength and put her on the giant dog, with Percy right behind her.
Then Percy turned on me with venom clear in his eyes and voice. "I am not your boyfriend. I don't even know who you are. But I do know this, if I ever see you lay a hand on my wife again, I will personally shove you into that rotting jail cell that you belong in."

Then he gave me the scariest glare that I have ever seen in my life,  and seemed to disappear in midair, leaving the emo freak behind. The boy turned onto me and gave me a glare that was almost as scary as Percy's before turning to the audience and saying.

"Annabeth Jackson went home early because this jerk pushed her really hard to the ground and tried to steal her husband. She was never called onto stage, and Percy Jackson was never here." He gestured to me and then clapped his hands before disappearing into the shadows.

~Time skip to the next morning because I'm tired and Chloe's a jerk ~

I woke up the next morning in my dorm bedroom with a familiar empty feeling inside my head, as I tried to remember what had happened yesterday. But all I could remember was that I met Annitrash's boyfriend. And that is how I apparently met Percabeth.

Percy's POV.
I was so worried for Annabeth as we shadow traveled to camp. When we got there I immediately rushed her over to Will's station and watched as he worked on her.

Will's POV.
I was suprised to see Percy looking really worried as he rushed Annabeth into my area at the clinic. I quickly examined her and was relieved to see that it was only a broken wrist and a concussion. Nothing to serious. I gave her some ambrosia, wrapped her head, and set her hand in a splint. Before giving her a quick X-ray with Percy at her side the whole time. I was also relieved to see that her baby was ok. I told this to Percy and he looked stunned, before turning to Annabeth with the most love I had ever seen on anyone's face before.

Third person POV.

Later that night around the tall, slightly red campfire, Percy told everyone about what had happened to Annabeth. The fire slowly getting redder and redder at his every word. Then Annabeth suddenly stood up and said, " We have an announcement to make. Me and Percy are having a baby."
With those words, the fire suddenly glowed a beautiful rainbow color and grew even taller. Until Leo realized something. "Do you guys realize that that b*ch could've killed their baby!"
He exclaimed out loud. That made the campfire turn to a dangerous red and Chiron decided to tell everyone except the counselors and The Seven, to go to bed right now, or he would cancel capture the flag for a month.
That made everyone run back to their cabins real quick. And a few seconds later it was just Chiron and the counselors sitting around the fire.
They plotted ways to ruin her life all night, and lets just say that the only place she was ever considered 'pretty' again. Was in jail.

And that's how Chloe Chops, met Percabeth and friends.

Chloe was completely OC and I apologize if my story insulted anyone. Thank you for reading I hope that you tolerated this story.

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