Wings of Fire meets Demigods Part 2

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Sunny's POV.

All I could do at that moment was stare in shock at my friends, before flinging my arms around Glory and knocking her to the ground asking her excitedly, " How long have you guys been here!?!"

They all laughed at my question as Clay helped us up. " We've been here for an hour already. We would've come to you, but didn't want to inturupt your,...meeting. " He said smiling.

Before Tsunami interrupted and exclaimed, " He means that we didn't want to interrupt your date." She said while wiggling her eyebrows in a ridiculous way.

This made me blush as they all lightly chuckled, and I could only retaliate with, " It wasn't a date, because a giant dog attacked! "

This made them all go quite and in that silence Chase pulled me aside and said a little panicked. " Why did you tell them that! Mortals aren't supposed to know about our world, and now they probably think your crazy!?!"He finished by throwing his hands in the air.

All I said quietly was, "Chase, trust me. Please."

I turned to my friends while they asked if I was ok. Then Deathbringer asked me, "So, what can he do?" While pointing at Chase who was holding my hand.

I held up Chases hand and asked them to all take a seat. We all sat down on the couches, before I said to them, " I know what we are."

Then Chase exclaimed "What! You're all demi gods!"

They gave him a bunch of weird looks and Peril was about to say something, when I interrupted her, " Its true. Today when the giant dog attacked, Chase came out of nowhere and started to attack it with a weird glowing dagger. After it dusted, he called two of my new friends through a rainbow, and told me that I was a demi god. Apparently there's a whole camp full of them!"

Their jaws all dropped at this news, (even Glory's) and then they all exploded with questions before Chase told them," How about you guys just come to camp with me later today?"

Then me, Peril, Tsunami, Deathbringer, Fatespeaker, and Starflight all shouted"Yes!" While the others just smiled excitedly and nodded their heads. And Glory shimmered a little yellow and pink.

~Time skip brought to you by Peril's twin brother who's not dead~

Chase told us to all get packed lightly and meet him outside in five minutes while he went to make a call. I ran to my room and grabbed some clothes and pictures of my family and friends, before calling my Mom and telling her where we were going. She sounded kind of sad, but proud at the same time as I told her how I saved Chase. At the end of the call we said our 'goodbyes' and 'I love you's' and she told me to be careful, before saying that I should call Stonemover next. I said I would and hung up.

I walked to the beginning of the sidewalk and grabbed Chases hand, before Starflight ( Who had been kinda quiet) asked, "So, how are we all going to get there? We'd need a bus to get all of us anywhere! Unless you have some very strong mode of teleportation."

We all nodded in agreement, and Chase looked really shocked at something Starflight had said, then I realized that Tsunami wasn't with us. I quietly asked Clay where she was, and he said. "She's gone to gone to go pick up Riptide. She will be here in a minute."

And just as he said that, Tsunami walked towards us from down the street, holding hands with Riptide. Chase looked kinda confused at the sight of Riptide, so, I just told him that he was a demigod too. Then suddenly, a pale, black haired boy appeared out of the shadows riding the biggest monster dog I had ever seen, like the one that had attacked me and Chase earlier. We were instantly all on edge, and about to attack the dog when Chase spoke up,

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