Author's Note

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Well, hello! 

First off, I'd like to say thank you for reading!!!!! I know I've said it a thousand times but I'll say it a thousand more. Some writers are virtuous artists who write for the sake of their craft. I am decidedly not one of those sainted elite. I am vain and insecure and lack discipline to a truly absurd extreme. The only thing I love more than starting a story is giving up on it before it's finished. The only thing that compels me to finish anything I've written is the knowledge that there's at least SOMEBODY out there, waiting on the resolution. So thank you for reading. I literally would not be doing this without you. 

Secondly, for those enjoyed this story and are romance junkies and want to stay in this world, never fear! It's not over. There are two more stories in this series: Something New (Melissa's story) and Something Old (grown-up Reb and Izzy, out in the world being badass feminist adventurers). Unfortunately, it'll be a little bit of a wait before I start publishing Something New, as I am going to be a little distracted for the next few months. Which brings me to... 

Object three: For those who haven't seen my umpteen announcements, I am going to begin self-publishing Melody of Silence on Amazon on 12 July 2021. If you don't hate my writing, I would love you forever if you were keep that date on your calendar. The books will be free through KU, so it won't cost you a thing and a li'l rating or review would make me very very happy. 

Finally: If you're a new reader and have missed all my other plugs, please hit up my website ( and subscribe to my mailing list to stay up-to-date on my ramblings. I know my writing is super melodramatic and angsty, but IRL I am a light-hearted delight and I have a very cute dog who you can see picture of if you follow me on IG (@lizptvorik) or subscribe to my mailing list.

Alright. To reiterate my most important point: THANK YOU FOR READING!!! 



Something BlueNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ