Author's Note and a Trigger Warning

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For new readers -- Welcome and thank you for coming! While this story is a standalone, it is the second in a series. So if you get bored waiting for updates, feel free pop on over to the first. But only if you want. 

For old readers -- Hot damn, you're still here?!?!? I admire your fortitude. As always, you are awesome. Thank you. Sincerely. 

For all readers -- This story is a bit triggerful, specifically with regard to domestic abuse. I'm not about gratuitous gore, but the heroine's shitty husband is pretty vital to the story so violence and evidence thereof will be present throughout. If this sort of thing is harmful to your mental health, it'd probably better not to read this story. 

With that, I'll stop rambling and leave you to the story. Thanks again for coming! 


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