dorkus is the son of the road god. cool. (Dirk POV)

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last night Jack got chosen by the god of everything on the road as Clarisse tells me. why any one would choose the dork I don't know. just kidding. the kid can be pretty cool when he wants. sometimes. (barely ever) I dragged my new longsword skull slicer, as that Leo kid called it, across camp as June and Quint carried Jack (who was still out) to the Hermes cabin.

"so" I said starting small talk "how do you think Jack will react when he finds out his dad is the god of everything on the road including medicine and thieves?"

"oh he'll probably be all excited for the first hours," Quint replied in his science-y professor voice "than he'll put his powers to use. via stealing everything that's not bolted down and forcing us into bed saying he was our doctor and we needed more comics"

I paused for a minute thinking about it "you've got that kid down."


"he better not steal my cookbooks"

"I'll tell him that."

we dumped Jack off at his cabin in his hammock thing that made his nose nearly touching the ceiling. me, Quint and June walked of in separate directions and I stopped in front of my cabin door.I scratch my chin looking at the night sky "dorkus is the son of the road god. cool."

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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