A Night with Green

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"We're all ready to go, Matt, you?" Pidge turned excitedly to her brother; they were flying together in the green lion, he was her co-pilot, something she could hold over him forever.
"I'm ready." He nodded firmly, his face stone but his eyes gleaming with excitement.
"You sure? Theses things can be tough to handle sometimes." She teased.
"I'm sure. I broke out of a Galra airship and lived underground tracking them as a spy. Nothing I can't handle." His cockiness wouldn't save him.

It was indeed something he couldn't handle. The sudden twists and rolls left his as green as Pidge's suit. Almost. It was all pretty funny.
"PIDGE! PLEASE BE MORE CAREFUL!" He yelled from the backseat, as Pidge took another roll, and cackled at his pain. "Hey, side note: this cloaking won't last much longer."
"I honestly doubted it would last this long; Green is the best." She added, patting the beast.

"Yeah, well, we're completely surrounded by a pretty big fleet, so don't sound too happy yet." Hunk's voice sounded through her headset.
"Yeah, yeah, fine." She took another side roll, and then a loop-de-loop, all getting a yelp out of her brother.
"What? I'm avoiding being hit, would you rather that?"
"No, but please, be more careful."
"Why, you worried?" She teased again.
"Yes." He sounded defeated, tired, which made her worried, and she decided to ease on the flips for now.

The universe had other plans though, and she was forced to roll out of the way for a beam from the Ion Canon. Not her fault this time, but it didn't stop Matt.

"Miss Katie Holt! I...-ill-arou-d....ett-r...-kay?"

Everything he said after 'Katie' completely faded out. She froze, everything around her froze, the only thing moving was her head, spinning wildly.
Why did it make her feel so weird, saying it over and over in her head?

"PIDGE?!" Matt was calling, she woke back to reality, but was left confused, what was going on?
"PIDGE!! DODGE!" Someone yelled through the intercom.
"Wha-what?" She mumbled.
"WATCH OUT!" Matt lunged in front of her, pulling at the controls to move the lion they were in out of the way of a shot, while a blur of red passed in front, shooting down the target.

Right. The battle.

She shoved Matt off her, and forced her mindset back into that of the fight she was currently part of.

"Hey, uh, Pidge? What was that about?"
"Kinda busy Matt." She pulled aside, but the side of the beast got hit anyways and she groaned in emotional pain. When the lion got hurt, she felt it too. It was seemingly the only downside to a stronger connection to it.

The rest of the battle fell back into a smooth routine, and eventually Matt got the cloak back up, and they were able to escape back to the ship, drop off Matt and the information, and then she was back out, now with no distractions, and Voltron ended the rest of it no problem.

They sat exhausted in the lounge, dinner settling warmly in their stomachs, talk of the day and days coming running around the room.
Pidge, however, was unusually quiet.

"Hey, Pidge, you okay? You've seemed kinda quiet since earlier?" Hunk was the one to ask.
"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine. Just, I've got something on my mind."
"Dad?" Matt quietly asked beside her, nervousness and sadness in his questioning.
"I-yeah. Yeah." Not technically a lie, thoughts of her father never fully left her head.
"Don't worry. We'll find him. We found Matt." Shiro reassured.
"Yeah. Yeah I'm sure we will." She gave a vague smile, and stood up, brushing off her shorts. "I'm gonna head to bed, that battle tired me more than I thought, so, yeah. Good night." Not waiting for a reply, she hit the door panel, and headed out, leaving confused friends behind.

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