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"That mission was a breeze!" Lance smugly said as he sat down at the table.
"It would have been easier if you hadn't messed up." Keith sat next to him.
"Hey! I saved us at the end there!"
"After you caused the mess that needed saving in the first place!" Keith protested.
"Oh lighten up Keith, it's fine."
"We could have died!" His arms waved in front of him in a very un-Keith-like manner.
"You say that about every mission that goes a little off." Lance groaned.
"That's because it's true! If everything doesn't go to plan, then there is always the possibility that we could die!"
"Nah, I'll have your back, don't worry". Lance winked.
Keith's unimpressed face said it all. "That isn't easing in anyway, I don't trust you at all."
"Wow, rude. I'm hurt, really." Lance held his hand to his chest, the other wrist to his forehead, feigning hurt.
"Ohh, nooo."
"Wow. See this is why we'll never be friends." Lance tosses a hand back and forth between the pair.
"What? No we're friends, I just hate you." Keith's arms found their home crossed over his chest.
"We'll I hate you too." Lance replied, mimicking the movement, before it broke with his realisation. "Oh My God we're frenemies!"
Keith groaned. "Oh sweet heavens no. Never mind, we aren't friends anymore." He sliced the air with his hands.

The door to the dining room open revealing a confused looking Matt, who glanced at the occupants and then made a fist bump.
"Right room, yeah!" He moved in to sit down across the table from Lance and Keith.
"Oh, you get lost?" Pidge's teased.
"I'm not used to this ship yet, okay? But I now know the route from the lab to here. I think."
Pidge and Hunk laughed at him.
"Yeah, I used to get lost all the time." Hunk lay a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You'll get used to it." Matt just raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, but while in the lab, I was looking at some of the work you have done, and first, Katie, I'm impressed, heck, I think the whole universe is impressed, but secondly, I know how to improve it."
"Hmm?" The girl had zoned out.
"I know how to improve your work." Matt repeated.
She scoffed. "Yeah, right."

"Actually, Pidge, I've been meaning to ask," Allura was coming in from the bridge, "now that we know your real name, Katie, would you prefer that, or Pidge?"
"Uh, Pidge." She replied too fast. "It's-its just easier, you know?" A collective nod, as the attention was drawn back to the arguing Keith and Lance.

"Ahh, cmon, you know you lo-ove me." Lance teased, leaning slightly on the other Paladins shoulder.

Keith immediately tensed with the touch.
"Don't. Touch. Me." He said it slowly, each word fused with threat.
"Oh, and what if I do?" Lance still lay on Keith's shoulder.
"You're forgetting my bayard is a sword, and that I carry my Galra knife with me everywhere." That made the him move.

"Don't touch me again, got it?" Keith rolled his shoulders.
"Oo, I'm Keith, I'm angry and emo about things!" Lance mocked.
"I'm serious."
"Yeah, okay, fine. But Shiro is allowed touch you."
The long hair boy tensed for just a second. "That's different."
"Different?" Lance leant his elbows on the table propping his head up on his hands. "Pray tell, different how?"
"Just is."
"Ooo, I'm Keith, I'm dark and mysterious for no reason, oo-!" He got cut off by Keith's fist to his arm. "Oww!"

"You know, you two are incredibly funny to watch." Matt spoke up from across the table, an enjoying grin sprouting on his face.
"Shut up Matt." Lance said it, while Keith glared.
"You two have the exact same facial expressions right now."
"Yes, they're always like that, play teasing. I've never quiet gotten it." Allura sat to the side of Matt, who went pink when she spoke to him.
"Ah ha, yeah, yeah, it's- it's- its- it's pretty funny, heh..."
"Now who's the funny one to watch?" Keith teased, to which Matt hung his head and let out a sigh.
"Oh be quiet." He mumbled in a joking way.

"You know, I think we've found out why Pidge never gets embarrassed by like, anything. Matt has enough embarrassment for two!"
"You know, I think you're right." Keith agreed.
"Ah, Wha- n-no, I- PIDGE GETS EMBARRASSED BY STUFF!" Matt stumbled out.
"Yeah, like what?"
"Like...like... I don't know! Pidge!" He leant forward and turn his head down the table, looking past Hunk to see his sister. She was zoned out again, eyes unfocused, and her face was blank, if not a little distressed.
She wasn't listening.

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