Girl Talk

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"I'm amazing with the ladies, they all love me!" Lance was bragging again, they had just come from a new planet in the Coalition, and he had made some new 'friends'.
"You're as good with girls as I am." Pidge said absentmindedly, before realising what she had said.
"I-I mean, that I've never been like the other girls, they never wanted to be my friends when I was little, you know? Too nerdy. And even when I was pretending to be a guy they weren't even remotely interested in me. Too masculine to be a girl, to feminine to be a guy, I guess."

"Ah, Pidge don't worry, you're fine the way you are! I'm sure you'll find someone, I met some pretty cool Olkari guys that one time, they probably think it's cool that you're nerdy." Lance ruffled her hair.
"Yeah, thanks, but I'm okay for now. I'd rather make a few more friends first, before...any of that."
"Sucks to be you then, you're missing out; you all are." He spoke louder to the rest of the crew currently on the bridge; the only ones missing were Matt and Allura. "I know Hunk has Shay," he turned to his friend, who, though it was hard to see on his darker skin, was definitely blushing, "but what about the rest of you? Keith?"

"Same as Pidge. I'd rather meet some more people first. Find myself before I give it away to someone else."
"Poetic. Classic Keith."
"Oh shut up." He went back to staring out the window he was sitting at.
"What about you, Shiro?"

"I had someone, back on Earth." He said plainly, taking another sip from the mug he was holding.
"Had?" Pidge never missed a beat, and Shiro froze, before gathering himself.
"Uh, yeah. I really cared about them, but when I said I was going on the Kerberos mission, they said that they wouldn't be waiting for me when I got back. Not entirely sure if they meant it though..."
"Oh. I'm sorry about that."
"It's fine, I'll get over it, and who knows, maybe they'll be waiting still."
"She sounds nice, maybe we can meet her when we get back?" Hunk asked.
He spluttered into his cup for a second, choking on his drink, and gave a nod. "Yeah, maybe."
"What was her name?" Pidge asked.
"Short for...Adeline?" Hunk poked again.
"...Yeah, but no one ever called her that, just Addie. Always the goofball..." he smiled fondly into his cup, but glanced up when Keith gave a cough, and frowned at his smirk.

"Wow, that sucks man. Sorry." Lance said quietly.
"Nah, it's cool. Happens sometimes." He went back to his drink.

"What about you, Coran?"
"What about me?" He was marking out on the map, planning where the best places to set up bases would be.
"Every had a girlfriend?"
"What about when all of this is over?"
"Mmm, never really thought about it..." he went quiet for a second, twirling his moustache, "Still nope. I never really got all of that romance nonsense. The only love I've ever had is for my Pop-pop, he was a great man you know, taught-"
"-Taught you everything you know, we know." Lance cut him off before he could ramble any further. "But seriously, never?"

"Never what?" Allura came in, brushing down her pants, and fixing her hair.
"Coran says he's never been in love, and never wants to be."
"Well that's Coran for you, never what you expect." She smiled lovingly at her father-figure.
"What about you then?"
"Me? Well, I'm not really sure. I guess when this is over, I'll find someone, but it's not a big priority of mine really."
"You say that, but one day you'll meet some guy and fall head over heals for him." Lance joked.
"It doesn't have to be a guy, does it?"
The entire room stopped breathing for a second.
"What...what do you mean?"
"If I fall in love with someone, it doesn't have to be a guy, right?"
"Well... no, you can fall in love with anyone, you're the Princess, but it's usually guys that fall in love with girls, and vice versa."
"Oh. That's odd. I'll never understand your earth customs. If you had the chance to fall in love with anyone in the universe, why would you ever limit that? Love is still love in the end, no?"

Unknowingly, Shiro, Keith and Pidge all shared a look.

"It makes logical sense, really."
"Love isn't logical Pidge, not that you'd know." Lance rebutted.
"Ouch. I'm just saying, there is no reason for humans to think the way we do about love."
"Huh." Lance was genuinely stumped. This would be something he would dwell on.

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