Chapter 3

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"Today you will be doing some sparing with your classmates" Aizawa says

The whole class seemed to perk up at the sound of getting to spar against their class mates 

"Don't get too excited I will be picking your partner" Aizawa says 

He goes down the list of names and you only listen when you hear your name being called 

"Y/n and Denki" he reads off

Denki walks over to you 

"Can't wait to knock you off your feet" he says smugly 

"yea ok we'll see about that spark plug" you smile cheeckily while getting up and following the rest of the class to gym Gamma 

We get to Gym Gamma and everyone is standing in a group while mister Aizawa is in front of us and is now facing us. 

"If you need to be outside because of your quirk feel free to do so. You may begin your sparring" Aizawa says lazily 

You and Denki pick a spot where its not too crowded and begin sparing . You remember watching the sports festival and how he started off with a big first hit so you decided to take advantage of that and made a puddle that started in front of you and ended behind Denki. 

"If that was supposed to be an attack that was pretty lame"  He says getting ready to do exactly what you thought he would

Just as fast as the sparing started it was over with Denki on the ground in a daze after being electrocuted.  

"Looks like im the one who knocked you off your feet" you say with a smile

Denki gives a you a thumbs up while still laying on the floor and you chuckle and walk over to him and help him up. 

"come on I'll take you to the nurse" you put one of his arms over your shoulder and hold him at the waist so he doesn't collapse.

"thanks" he mumbles 

you drop him off at the nurse and watched as Recovery Girl kissed Denki.  You sit next to Denki and wait for him to return to normal. 

"I guess I underestimated you" Denki sits up and looks at you 

"I guess you did" you look at him with a smile 

"you still did good even though I beat you" you say ruffling his hair

Kirishima walks in with sweat dripping done his face

"who'd you spar with?" you ask 

"Bakugo" he replies simply 

"well thats...interesting" you say 

"anyways I just wanted to make sure you were ok" you say to Denki as you get up from where you are sitting

"I'm going to go find Aizawa" you say as you walk out of the room with a wave 

You walk down the hall and as you turn to go down the steps Bakugo is walking up the steps and once again you bump into him. 

"why are you always so clumsy" he huff out which was surprising because you expected him to yell at you as always 

"wow you didn't yell its a miracle" you says sarcastically

"Shut up" he pushes past you and walks down the hall 

"well ok then firecracker" you say under your breather but you weren't quiet enough because he heard you 

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME STUMBLEBUM" he turns around and yells at you 

"I called y-wait did you just call me a stumblebum" you say giving him a confused look

"yes. I did" he says cockily now standing in front of you

"such a big word for someone with such a small brain" you say smiling annoyingly at him

"IM GONNA KILL YOU" He shouts 

" you're very feisty today! did you miss anger management?" you say knowing that you're just fueling his anger

He looked really mad now and although it was very amusing he looked a little scary and before you even had time to apologize Bakugo pushed you against the wall with each hand on either side of you. Surprisingly he didn't push you very hard and you thought to yourself did he not actually want to hurt me.

"What did you say?" he says through gritted teeth

You get distracted by your thoughts because the situation escalated so quickly. 

Y/N's thought

even though he looks scary right now I can't help but think how hot he looks. He could have a girlfriend if he stopped threatening everyone all the time and  if he didn't always have a scowl on his face. Either way I would still-

End of Y/N's Thought

"HELLO?" he raises his voice and snaps in your face

"huh?" you say finally snapping out of it 

"you're impossible" he groans and walks away 

If anything he's the impossible one you scoff and walk away. The rest of school went by but all day you couldn't stop thinking of what happened and the things you were thinking. you called him hot what the hell was that? You run into Aizawa while in the hall and you stop him. 

"hey! Can i stay after school to practice some more?" you ask 

"Why are you asking me I don't care" he says trying to walk away

"you do know you are my guardian now right?" You ask him because his nonchalant personality is getting really annoying 

"so?" he says showing no emotion at all

"oh my god! we'll talk about it when I get home" you say not wanting to be the parent to your "parent" 

you walk through the school drinking from your water bottle because in order to use your quirk you had to be hydrated or have a source of water for example a lake, water from a bottle, sweat, etc. You can also manipulate things with water in them which gives you a wide variety of things like people and plants. 

You go outside to train but when you get there you see a certain someone already there training. 

A/N: Comment and vote! :p

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