Chapter 14

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You go to your room and text Bakugo asking if you could stay with him for a couple days. His mom said yes because she loved having you over because you were so nice. You pack a bag while on the phone with Bakugo and he reminds you what to bring because you are forgetful sometimes.

 When you finish packing a bag Bakugo tells you he is on his way and you wait for his text while you lay on your bed looking through pictures of you and your parents even though its only 3 pictures they still mean a lot to you. 

You put your phone at your side and think of the incident from the other day

why was she coming after me in the first place?  I didn't even know her so why does she have something against me? 

You sit there wondering what could have caused someone like her to come after you. How did she even know who you were I mean you just moved here not too long ago so it just doesn't make much sense.

Your phone dings and you check it and its a text from Bakugo and he says he's outside so you grab you bag and say goodbye to Aizawa and he tells you to be careful you nod and leave.

The walk to Bakugos house was quiet neither of you saying anything but when you got to his house Mitsuki welcomed you with open arms and a wide smile 

"Y/n! im so happy your staying with us! I wish it was under better circumstances but at least we get to hang out" She says keeping the mood happy and light and you give her a sweet smile 

After all you were happy to spend more time with her because she was the mother figure you always wanted 

You and Bakugo go up to his room and you flop down on his bed with your head hanging off

Bakugo flops down next to you laying back with his feet at the end  of the bed 

"I don't want to see your feet your stupid face is way nicer" You say pushing his feet off of the bed 

"fine whatever loser" He says turning to lay the same way as you 

"whats going on in that head of yours?" you ask him

"nothing" he grumbles barley hiding that fact that he's lying 

You leave it at that knowing that if you push him too far he could just shut you out completely 

You lay there playing with his hand while he gets lost in his thoughts 

while your'e laying there you start to think about Crypto wondering what she's doing now and what Made her this way 

Your phone buzzes in your pocket so you leave Bakugo's hand alone and grab your phone


Hey how are you doing?


Im doing good I think Bakugo is taking this worse than I am


He'll come around just give him a little time. He is hard headed after all 


Yea you're right  

you put your phone away wishing you didn't have someone out to kill you because you wanted to hang out with your friends but its ok because you'll see them tomorrow at school 

You start thinking about your parent and what they could be doing right now but your thoughts are interrupted by your phone buzzing again


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