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{Jesy and Louis' Flat - March 10, 2015. 1:47 P.M}

(Everyone sat down in the livingroom watching Netflix on the flatscreen, JESY is sat with computer on her lap looking at boots, LOUIS next to her with their small kitten Sugarplum laying across his chest. Their friend LIAM is sat on the recliner playing with the other kitten Mint.)

JESY:(Sighing, eyes flickering across computer screen.) I still can't find anything that screams 'happy birthday Brenna your twenty six, you old woman!'"

LOUIS: (Confused.) She's only three years older than you Jesy. Turn off Marina and the Diamonds, you've been listening to the album Electra Heart for hours on repeat now.

JESY: (Looking up at him, narrowing her eyes.) Marina is babe, shut up. Watch whatever you put on.

LIAM:(Seeming torn.) Marina is amazing, yes, but we can't really watch telly if you dont turn it down a little bit.

JESY:(Gapes mouth like fish. Whispering.) But its in the middle of Primadonna.

LIAM:(Facing television.) It's like the twentieth time on repeat. You can go without it, okay.

LOUIS: (Reaching over and shuts down her computer.) Issue solved. Now we can finish watching Saw.

JESY:(Pouting, crossing arms over her chest.) Fine, we'll finish this and the rest, but then we're looking for a present for my sister.

LOUIS:(Narrowing eyes at JESY.) No, because at two forty-five, Zayn said him and Perrie were going to stop over bringing chinese food to us and games.

LIAM:(Eyes crinkle from smiling.) Maybe they're bringing Twister over again?

LOUIS:(Rolling eyes.) Mate, what's with you and that game? It's for like six year olds.

JESY:(Dumbfounded.) Woah, when did you plan on telling me that they were coming over?

LOUIS:(Stares at JESY.) I told you as aoon as I woke you up.

[JESY rubs her hand across her face, other two stare at her.]


{Jesy and Louis' Flat - March 10, 2015. 9:08 A.M}

LOUIS: (Walking into JESY'S room. Hair unruly from just waking up. Takes a few steps before cringing as he steps on a pair of underwear.) Ew, remind her to clean. (Looks at a bra on the ground before noticing the dishes on the nightstand next to the bed. Narrows his eyes.) Scratch that, beat her and then tell her to clean.

[LOUIS successfully makes it over to JESY'S bed where the girl is making little noises in her sleep. He sets himself on the edge of the bed before reaching over a gently pushing on what he believes is his shoulder. JESY rolls over and snuggles into the orange comforter. LOUIS starts to shake her shoulder a little more forcefully.]

JESY: (Voice croaky, not daring to open her eyes.) I don't want to wake up yet. Leave alone, i was about to hug Sam Smith.

LOUIS: (Pats head that is barely showing through all the pillows and blankets.) I know you don't want to babe, but Liam is going to be here in a hour.

JESY: (Mumbling into pillow, stick hand out to playfully hit LOUIS in hopes of him leaving her to sleep.) I don't give a flying ass potatoe what Liam sees me like, let me sleep. I need sleep. (Rolls over to face LOUIS.) Fucker, you woke me up now I have to pee.

LOUIS: (Getting up from the bed, cringing at the thought of having to walk past the mess on the floor.) Go pee then. I'm going to get in the shower after making breakfast, I'll wake you up when it's done.

JESY:(Lazily smirking towards him while getting up. Cringes at herself as she hears the cracking of joints.) Yeah, poptarts or bagels being heated in our shitty little toaster. (Carelessly walks over stuff on the floor and makes way to her bathroom.)

LOUIS:(Staring at the dirty floor. Raises voice a little.) Clean this personal little garbage dump you have here. Zayn and Perrie are going to be coming over a little before three or something, just so you know.

[As JESY is in the bathrrom you hear in unintelligible mumble from there, most likely JESY grunting in response to what LOUIS had said. Door suddenly creaks open a little bit, only to see two small kittens bolting in after each other. Both kittens play with each other for a few minutes before they see LOUIS walk towards them. They kittens quickly scramble out of the room, before LOUIS leaves as well. Seconds later, JESY walks out of the bathroom wiping her hand on a towel before her eyes noticeably droop and she stumbles a bit. She blinks quickly before getting back in bed, falling asleep quickly.]


{JESY and Louis' Flat- March 10, 2015. 2:23 P.M.}

[LOUIS and LIAM are putting together snacks in the decent sized, yellow-walled kitchen. You can hear distant thumping comin from JESY'S room. LOUIS gently sets down the knife he was using for cutting up a cucumber when there was a knock on the door. LOUIS makes his way to the door and opens it to see Zayn and Perrie there.]

PERRIE: (Face lighting up from seeing her friend. Pulls him into a big hug, practically squeezing him.) Louis! Hello darling, its been so long! (Lets go of him only to kiss his cheek quickly.)

LOUIS:(Just as much excitement, smiling widely.) Hi guys. Perrie I have to agree, though its only been two weeks.

PERRIE:(Almost hinting.) Well, Tomlinson. A lot of things can happen in a matter of two weeks.

[LOUIS' eyes widen as the blonde hair girl finished saying that, before looking at the tatooed man next to her. All of a sudden you hear a fast patter of feet before a blob brushes past Louis and is hugging PERRIE a little to tightly.]

JESY: (Letting go from the hug, smile very large.) How have you been, my lesbian lover! I missed you all so much. Speaking of missing, you guys missed us getting our new kitten Sugarplum! Come in, come in.

ZAYN:(Laughing at the two girls, quickly hugs LOUIS before hugging JESY.) Lesbian lover? Oh no, I might have to fight for my love. How tragic, and after all this time I had thought it was only me.

[Everyone enters the flat toeing off shoes, and taking off their jackets. The two girls going to look at the newest kitten after PERRIE had said a short hello to LIAM. The boys are watching the girls and the small kitten, chatting and catching up. Everyone seems content and happy before a loud gasp from JESY fills the area. Everyone looks over at her only to see her holding PERRIE'S hand and examining a ring on it.]

LOUIS: (Looking over at ZAYN, his eyes widening.) Holy shit mate, is that an engagement ring?

PERRIE: (Smiling and nodding, as her fiancé does the same.) It most definitely is an engagement ring.

[Scene pans off as everyone stare at the engaged couple in awe. Everyone calms down before going back to laughing and talking. Scene is completely over after LIAM proudly holds up the game Twister, causing everyone to laugh harder.]


I'm so flipping excited for this book. Seriously. Thank you for reading everyone! Feedback is very much appreciated!!

Lots of love,

Elizabeth xx c:

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