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{Hallway of Brenna's Apartment- March 13, 2015. 1:32 p.m}

[Louis and Jesy are standing outside of Brenna's apartment door, waiting for her to answer it. Louis has three bags of gifts in his hands and also the car keys, while Jesy is carrying a large box of cake with a box of plastic silverware placed on top of it.]

JESY: (Pounding foot against the door because her hands are occupied.) Brenna, you lazy fuck, get up and open the damn door. I've got the shit you needed. I don't care if it's your birthday, I will still kick the shit out of you when I set this crap down somewhere.

LOUIS: Brenna. You said to be here at 1:30, we're literally (Looks quickly at watch on his wrist.) two minutes late. (Almost drops one of the bags as he tries to swat at a fly by him.)

JESY: (Growing louder with each word.) Brenna Felicity Nelson, I swear on my life, that I will plow through this door like a baby rhinoceros on steroids!

LOUIS: (Leaning against wall.) I say we just leave this outside of her apartment, go downstairs and grab the keys really quick.

JESY: (Staring at the door.) I'm sure as hell not walking up those stairs again. This damn thing. (Starts kicking her foot against the door harder.) BRENNA LISTEN HERE, YOU DUMB MOTHER FUCKER, I WILL BEAT THE LIVING SH-!

[Both of them hear the door across the hallway open and see the old lady from the apartment walk out. Jesy automatically stops screaming and puts on an innocent face. Louis is slightly embarrassed that he and his friend were just caught screaming at a door, he also may slightly feel bad because the old lady could have been napping.]

OLD LADY: (Confused before looking up at the two and then getting a huge smile.) Ah! You two, my favorites! What's the big commotion for?

JESY: (Smiling at the old lady, having forgotten her name from not being over in a while.) Brenna's twenty-sixth birthday. We've been told to come early to help, and she isn't answering the door.

OLD LADY: (Frowning.) Today is her birthday? I've forgotten, I have to make something! Does she like my caramel cheesecake? I should make her that, hopefully she enjoys it.

JESY: (Remembering her name, shaking her head with a small smile.) Ms. Majah, you haven't got to waste any of your time making Brenna a cake, or getting her anything, we've got it under control.

MS. MAJAH: (Laughing it off, kind.) Sweetie, none of you are wasting my time, it's simply giving me something to do, sweetheart. Now, I'm going to go make y'all something.

LOUIS: (Nodding with a small smile.) Thank you Ms. Majah, it's very appreciated.

MS. MAJAH: (Smiling back at them.) No problem kiddo, now, tell that girl to keep it down a notch tonight, an old lady has to get sleep at night.

LOUIS: (Laughing a little.) I'll be sure to tell her, thanks again!

[Ms. Majah goes back into her house leaving a smiling Jesy and Louis in the hallway by themselves again. A few seconds after that happens, the door opens to reveal Brenna, the girl has two rainbow thigh high socks on, a pair of black shorts and a white short sleeved shirt on. Her hair is wet and dripping all over, and she seems out of breath.]

JESY: (Sassy, barging in the house.) It's about damn time, my arm hurts. What the hell were you doing? (Sets down the cake and silverware on a table set up in the corner of the living room. Brushing her hair with her fingers, making it go back into place.)

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