Chapter 4: Rejecting the Hunter

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~Emily POV~

It was the next day and I felt fine, the new people they brought in were unconscious all night. Well... until now.

"What the hell?" I heard someone say, then a harsh slam on metal.

"Welcome to hell." I commented as I rolled my eyes.

"Wait, Pear?" I heard two people say, "Jay? Keen?" Donte got up and walked towards the bars of his cell.

"Wait, Jaden and Keenan? How did you two get here?" I ask, my vision is still slightly blurry.

"We don't know, we woke up here this morning with Christian and Nathan. Keenan and I were at Donte's house before we were brought here," Jaden spoke.

"Hold on, are your guys' arms glowing?" I asked everyone except for Donte. They all agreed.

"What are your guys' powers?" I questioned.

"I have the power to read minds," Jaden spoke up.

"My powers are healing," Nathan said.

"I've got super strength," Keenan spoke.

"I have the power of electricity and Lasers," Christian said.

It was cool that we each had one unique power. Everyone continued to talk and joke around. This is better when you have your friends around for support, even though we're here against our own will. Lucy walks into the cell room and sees the other four awake.

"Ahh... Now that everyone's awake, we can begin." Lucy tells us.

"Begin what?" Jaden asks.

"You'll see," Lucy says then a bunch of guards came in.

The guards grab all six of us and take us to an open room with a balcony, all six of us get put into a line across from the balcony.

"Ok, you're going to be working with a partner from the six of you. You're going to be working on your powers to get used to them." Lucy paced in front of us.

Everyone was already looking at someone, I glanced at Donte and fist bumped him.

"Oh, I almost forgot. No killing anyone, especially you two subjects 1 and 2". Lucy glared at us while we smiled, we exchanged looks while everyone got separated into their pairs and waited to be told what to do.

"Alright, get started!" Lucy shouted at us.

I rolled my eyes and faced Donte. He already had fire in his hand, he smirked and shot it at me. Laughing, I dodged his fire then I stopped the second with my Telekinesis and shot it back, he easily dodged it.

"So we can take turns fighting each other with our powers then we can go into combat." Donte suggested, I nodded and got into position.

I wonder how worried my parents must be right now, maybe...

"Pear!" Donte shouted.

Looking up, I saw a huge blast of fire coming in my direction so I threw myself into the air with my telekinesis, the large fireball hit the wall and exploded. My eyes widened at the burnt wall, he was about to hit me with that! Shooting a glare at him, I realized that I was closer to the ground than I thought. Panicking, I created a small platform to land on, I did land on my arm but I'd be fine.

"Pear, this is how you're going to get yourself killed!" Donte yelled then smacked me in the back of my head, I smacked him back before walking towards a wall. Lucy walked over to me and glared, he had two first aid people behind him.

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